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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mobile devices will be more powerful than PlayStation 4, Xbox One in 2017, ARM forecasts

Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

Looking better or worse is a matter of opinion. Technically speaking though, Vita is a mobile chip from 2011 and modern mobile tech runs circles around it.

Chips like the Tegra X1 outperform the PS3, much less the Vita.

I suppose I should clarify that I am not concerned about the chips alone.

I am looking at everything as a whole.

I might look up a specific phone from 2016 to compare.

Well, as I said, what "looks better" to any one person is of course a matter of opinion that doesn't always align with the technical specs involved. You certainly have a right to an opinion on what looks good to you.

I was only ever referring to technical performance and benchmarks, because I don't game on mobile, so I'm not overly familiar with the "best looking" games it has to offer.

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i dont believe people on here are even entertaining this.

just wow.

don't you guys know anything about processors, transistors. die sizes, power draw, chip architecture?

The issue isn't power, the issue is battery i.e {power draw}. That and cooling specifically.

It doesn't matter how "powerful" these mobile devices are if they can barely last 5 minutes using it all on a game, and catch on fire as they do so. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

curl-6 said:
Farsala said:

I suppose I should clarify that I am not concerned about the chips alone.

I am looking at everything as a whole.

I might look up a specific phone from 2016 to compare.

Well, as I said, what "looks better" to any one person is of course a matter of opinion that doesn't always align with the technical specs involved. You certainly have a right to an opinion on what looks good to you.

I was only ever referring to technical performance and benchmarks, because I don't game on mobile, so I'm not overly familiar with the "best looking" games it has to offer.

I suppose since I don't know anything about mobile, a lot of things could be at factor.

Benchmarks are definitely better then the Vita and last gen. But screen quality, video RAM, resources used for gaming/OS, optimization and other factors certinaly come to play in my opinion of how good they look.

Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

Well, as I said, what "looks better" to any one person is of course a matter of opinion that doesn't always align with the technical specs involved. You certainly have a right to an opinion on what looks good to you.

I was only ever referring to technical performance and benchmarks, because I don't game on mobile, so I'm not overly familiar with the "best looking" games it has to offer.

I suppose since I don't know anything about mobile, a lot of things could be at factor.

Benchmarks are definitely better then the Vita and last gen. But screen quality, video RAM, resources used for gaming/OS, optimization and other factors certinaly come to play in my opinion of how good they look.

The issue is power(battery). Part of the reason, handhelds cannot diversify as well as home consoles is cause they don't have a direct line of power/limited power supply. By focusing on one thing, it mitigates it slightly. The increase in power(Processing or other wise) is hampered by the fact that the devices start to hit the issues of PC's mainly heating and power consumption. Power Consumption and heating are even bigger concerns on mobile then they are on PC, and aren't as easy to deal with as chips are.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Maybe in raw power but what about drivers and engine support?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

Well, as I said, what "looks better" to any one person is of course a matter of opinion that doesn't always align with the technical specs involved. You certainly have a right to an opinion on what looks good to you.

I was only ever referring to technical performance and benchmarks, because I don't game on mobile, so I'm not overly familiar with the "best looking" games it has to offer.

I suppose since I don't know anything about mobile, a lot of things could be at factor.

Benchmarks are definitely better then the Vita and last gen. But screen quality, video RAM, resources used for gaming/OS, optimization and other factors certinaly come to play in my opinion of how good they look.

Vita's OLED is nice and all, but it's 960x544 while a lot of phones are 1920x1080, so four times as many pixels approximately.

The Vita itself uses mobile tech, just mobile tech from 2011. And at that time, it was high end, but technology moves fast and nothing these days stays cutting edge for 4+ years.

But again, yeah, far be it for me to tell you what looks good to you. I don't game on Vita or smartphones myself, so it's all purely academic to me.

I will confess I was very impressed by how Uncharted Golden Abyss and Killzone Mercenary managed to look on Vita when they came out.

Check this, I think this game have better graphic than any 3ds/vita games:

curl-6 said:
Lawlight said:
We've been hearing that smartphones will be stronger than consoles for the past 3 years now. Still hasn't happened.

2-3 years ago they were talking about surpassing PS3 and 360, and that has indeed happened.

Nopes. It hasn't. But also, what's the point of headlines that say "next-gen mobile devices to surpass your last gen consoles"?

Edit: Weren't you the one who claimed that Bioshock mobile was equal to the PS3 version and then proceeded to post a picture of the mobile version and it looked terrible?

Lawlight said:
curl-6 said:

2-3 years ago they were talking about surpassing PS3 and 360, and that has indeed happened.

Nopes. It hasn't. But also, what's the point of headlines that say "next-gen mobile devices to surpass your last gen consoles"?

Edit: Weren't you the one who claimed that Bioshock mobile was equal to the PS3 version and then proceeded to post a picture of the mobile version and it looked terrible?

No, that wasn't me.

But mobiles have passed PS3/360 specs. Chips like the Tegra X1 top PS3/360 in both feature set and Gigaflops.