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Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

Well, as I said, what "looks better" to any one person is of course a matter of opinion that doesn't always align with the technical specs involved. You certainly have a right to an opinion on what looks good to you.

I was only ever referring to technical performance and benchmarks, because I don't game on mobile, so I'm not overly familiar with the "best looking" games it has to offer.

I suppose since I don't know anything about mobile, a lot of things could be at factor.

Benchmarks are definitely better then the Vita and last gen. But screen quality, video RAM, resources used for gaming/OS, optimization and other factors certinaly come to play in my opinion of how good they look.

The issue is power(battery). Part of the reason, handhelds cannot diversify as well as home consoles is cause they don't have a direct line of power/limited power supply. By focusing on one thing, it mitigates it slightly. The increase in power(Processing or other wise) is hampered by the fact that the devices start to hit the issues of PC's mainly heating and power consumption. Power Consumption and heating are even bigger concerns on mobile then they are on PC, and aren't as easy to deal with as chips are.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank