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Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

Well, as I said, what "looks better" to any one person is of course a matter of opinion that doesn't always align with the technical specs involved. You certainly have a right to an opinion on what looks good to you.

I was only ever referring to technical performance and benchmarks, because I don't game on mobile, so I'm not overly familiar with the "best looking" games it has to offer.

I suppose since I don't know anything about mobile, a lot of things could be at factor.

Benchmarks are definitely better then the Vita and last gen. But screen quality, video RAM, resources used for gaming/OS, optimization and other factors certinaly come to play in my opinion of how good they look.

Vita's OLED is nice and all, but it's 960x544 while a lot of phones are 1920x1080, so four times as many pixels approximately.

The Vita itself uses mobile tech, just mobile tech from 2011. And at that time, it was high end, but technology moves fast and nothing these days stays cutting edge for 4+ years.

But again, yeah, far be it for me to tell you what looks good to you. I don't game on Vita or smartphones myself, so it's all purely academic to me.

I will confess I was very impressed by how Uncharted Golden Abyss and Killzone Mercenary managed to look on Vita when they came out.