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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Mass Effect Andromeda Thread! WE'VE GOT GAMEPLAY!!!


We got gameplay!

HOLY SHIT!!! HYPE!!!!!!!!!! 4 57.14%
I never was a big fan of Mass Effect anyway. 2 28.57%
binary solo said:

The Reapers had no interest in other galaxies, their mandate was to keep the Milky Way "stable". Protheans were arrogant enough to think they could actually beat the Reapers, they weren't interested in running away. And then they found out they couldn't beat the Reapers, and they came up with a different running away idea, i.e. hibernating in secret; which didn't work

I don't think the "because no one did it before the technology doesn't exist" is a good argument. When you have a lore that includes FTL travel you pretty much have carte blanche for being able to travel at least to other galaxies in the local cluster. 

I don't think there should be a series of Ark ships. There should be one ship that was experimentally designed as an intergalactic voyager, as a joint venture undertaken by all council races, that was going to travel unmanned. But with the Reapers showing up they decided that a manned mission was worth the risk.

See, I don't buy that the Reaper's only wanted to make the Milky Way stable. I think they couldn't go to Andromeda because it is too far away. They, as a AI race, would see no issue in carrying out their goal to other parts of the universe if they could gain access to them. The Milkyway is 100,000 light years across and it took the Mass Relays to travel that distance in a small amount of time (unknown really as we don't have any reference to how long that takes)  once they were put there. But there is no Mass Relay in Andromeda to get to, the travel would be based on FTL (as you suggest) and even if that's twice the speed of light, it would still take over 1 million years to reach Andromeda. Even Star Trek's Warp Speed didn't visit other galaxies and that had races like the Borg in it.

I think the sheer distance is just too great. I do not think technology exists because very few sci-fi genre's have done intergalactic travel.


I can get what you mean though, I do however think based on game programming/character modeling. Doing a single ship of inhabitants of some human/Asari/krogan etc would be a waste of character models as they are the only ones as none of the inhabitants of Andromeda would be like that.

Hmm, pie.

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The Fury said:
binary solo said:

The Reapers had no interest in other galaxies, their mandate was to keep the Milky Way "stable". Protheans were arrogant enough to think they could actually beat the Reapers, they weren't interested in running away. And then they found out they couldn't beat the Reapers, and they came up with a different running away idea, i.e. hibernating in secret; which didn't work

I don't think the "because no one did it before the technology doesn't exist" is a good argument. When you have a lore that includes FTL travel you pretty much have carte blanche for being able to travel at least to other galaxies in the local cluster. 

I don't think there should be a series of Ark ships. There should be one ship that was experimentally designed as an intergalactic voyager, as a joint venture undertaken by all council races, that was going to travel unmanned. But with the Reapers showing up they decided that a manned mission was worth the risk.

See, I don't buy that the Reaper's only wanted to make the Milky Way stable. I think they couldn't go to Andromeda because it is too far away. They, as a AI race, would see no issue in carrying out their goal to other parts of the universe if they could gain access to them. The Milkyway is 100,000 light years across and it took the Mass Relays to travel that distance in a small amount of time (unknown really as we don't have any reference to how long that takes)  once they were put there. But there is no Mass Relay in Andromeda to get to, the travel would be based on FTL (as you suggest) and even if that's twice the speed of light, it would still take over 1 million years to reach Andromeda. Even Star Trek's Warp Speed didn't visit other galaxies and that had races like the Borg in it.

I think the sheer distance is just too great. I do not think technology exists because very few sci-fi genre's have done intergalactic travel.


I can get what you mean though, I do however think based on game programming/character modeling. Doing a single ship of inhabitants of some human/Asari/krogan etc would be a waste of character models as they are the only ones as none of the inhabitants of Andromeda would be like that.

@ bolded

These are complete unknowns. The reapers as an AI race, probably wouldn't care about time so much. They could spend half a cycle getting to Andromeda, harvesting and another half-cycle to return. Having said that, I do think that the reapers only cared about the Milky Way. They were made and designed in the Milky Way and I don't think their goals would stretch further unless they had direct evidence of organic vs synthetic life in a separate galaxy where they had to maintain "balance".

Also, we don't know whether Andromeda has Mass Relays or not. We don't really know enough about the civ that built the Mass Relays and the Reapers to know if they ever reached Andromeda.  

Edit- I do remember vaguely that the survivors rebuild the Mass Relays at the end of Mass Effect 3 so their could lead to a new bit of research to get to Andromeda. I can envisage the game having you setup and build new Mass Relays as you make progress, effectively making you a true "pathfinder".

Scoobes said:
The Fury said:

See, I don't buy that the Reaper's only wanted to make the Milky Way stable. I think they couldn't go to Andromeda because it is too far away. They, as a AI race, would see no issue in carrying out their goal to other parts of the universe if they could gain access to them. The Milkyway is 100,000 light years across and it took the Mass Relays to travel that distance in a small amount of time (unknown really as we don't have any reference to how long that takes)  once they were put there. But there is no Mass Relay in Andromeda to get to, the travel would be based on FTL (as you suggest) and even if that's twice the speed of light, it would still take over 1 million years to reach Andromeda. Even Star Trek's Warp Speed didn't visit other galaxies and that had races like the Borg in it.

I think the sheer distance is just too great. I do not think technology exists because very few sci-fi genre's have done intergalactic travel.


I can get what you mean though, I do however think based on game programming/character modeling. Doing a single ship of inhabitants of some human/Asari/krogan etc would be a waste of character models as they are the only ones as none of the inhabitants of Andromeda would be like that.

@ bolded

These are complete unknowns. The reapers as an AI race, probably wouldn't care about time so much. They could spend half a cycle getting to Andromeda, harvesting and another half-cycle to return. Having said that, I do think that the reapers only cared about the Milky Way. They were made and designed in the Milky Way and I don't think their goals would stretch further unless they had direct evidence of organic vs synthetic life in a separate galaxy where they had to maintain "balance".

Also, we don't know whether Andromeda has Mass Relays or not. We don't really know enough about the civ that built the Mass Relays and the Reapers to know if they ever reached Andromeda.  

Edit- I do remember vaguely that the survivors rebuild the Mass Relays at the end of Mass Effect 3 so their could lead to a new bit of research to get to Andromeda. I can envisage the game having you setup and build new Mass Relays as you make progress, effectively making you a true "pathfinder".

That would be a good side story, to learn more about the ones who build the Mass Relays.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The armor on this entry seems like a major improvement over the others, visually and functionally.

Scoobes said:

@ bolded

These are complete unknowns. The reapers as an AI race, probably wouldn't care about time so much. They could spend half a cycle getting to Andromeda, harvesting and another half-cycle to return. Having said that, I do think that the reapers only cared about the Milky Way. They were made and designed in the Milky Way and I don't think their goals would stretch further unless they had direct evidence of organic vs synthetic life in a separate galaxy where they had to maintain "balance".

Also, we don't know whether Andromeda has Mass Relays or not. We don't really know enough about the civ that built the Mass Relays and the Reapers to know if they ever reached Andromeda.  

Edit- I do remember vaguely that the survivors rebuild the Mass Relays at the end of Mass Effect 3 so their could lead to a new bit of research to get to Andromeda. I can envisage the game having you setup and build new Mass Relays as you make progress, effectively making you a true "pathfinder".

Too many unknowns I guess. An AI race wouldn't care about time, which is why they were fine with hibernating for 50,000 years at a time, yet they care about energy. FTL travel for humans requires Element Zero in the ME world and there is none of that between galaxies to 'refuel' on and it would take a lot of energy to travel that distance without a way to replenish energy reserves. I know I'm over thinking things...

Regardless of my views on if the human race can even reach Andromeda or not (even in a made up world), the game is set there. Different galaxy, different problems. (Let's hope it's different because stepping over the same 'problem' ME trilogy did would just be a step backwards).

Hmm, pie.

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I got to get in on this thread! Loved all three previous Mass Effect games and I have very high hopes for this next one.

My main hope is that with the power that consoles have that graphics will be significantly improved (which I'm sure they will), that the game has strong RPG leveling and plenty of varied equipment/guns/anything else that can be looted. Also, most importantly, I really am hoping for hundreds of explorable worlds that are all very unique in nature with their own animals, species, and enemies.

I don't think it will be as good as what I'm hoping for, but I still think it will be a phenomenal game.

JEMC said:

I told that to myself about Mass Effect 2 and 3, and thanks God I didn't wait because they still haven't launched them, so...

That is true. They never launched that on PC. Even the trilogy which now goes on sale for 10-15 bucks doesn't include the dlc i think. I played ME2 on ps3 and it came a year late compared to 360 but it was nice having all the dlc on disc. Still haven't played any of the dlc of 3, well kinda didn't want to either.

green_sky said:
JEMC said:

I told that to myself about Mass Effect 2 and 3, and thanks God I didn't wait because they still haven't launched them, so...

That is true. They never launched that on PC. Even the trilogy which now goes on sale for 10-15 bucks doesn't include the dlc i think. I played ME2 on ps3 and it came a year late compared to 360 but it was nice having all the dlc on disc. Still haven't played any of the dlc of 3, well kinda didn't want to either.

I did the exact same, no Collected Edition means I won't play DLC, not matter the game. From what I read of the DLC it kinda ruins some of the mythos, in my view. Don't know who or what created the Reapers leading to unknown suspense adding to the story? Fine here the creators and they look exactly like the reapers. Just a little clichéd, to me.

Hmm, pie.

JEMC said:
The Fury said:

Even the Reaper's didn't seem to have the technology to journey the 2.5million light years required, they hibernated outside the Milky Way until it was time to 'harvest' again (every 50,000 years). The Protheon's were far more advance than any race in ME and they didn't do that either.

Of course, this is the most likely outcome. Sadly.

Well, we don't know if the Protheon did it or not. Maybe they were still travelling when the events of Mass Effect took place.

And the Reapers story has many holes in it, and that is one. If they want to preserve "life" or civilizations by turning them into Reapers, why didn't they go and do that in the other galaxies as well?

We don't know that they didn't. Told as it was from the perspective of the relatively primitive species of the Milky Way, for all we know the Reapers actually spent some portion of their time in neighbouring galaxies carrying out the same activities as in the Milky Way.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
JEMC said:

Well, we don't know if the Protheon did it or not. Maybe they were still travelling when the events of Mass Effect took place.

And the Reapers story has many holes in it, and that is one. If they want to preserve "life" or civilizations by turning them into Reapers, why didn't they go and do that in the other galaxies as well?

We don't know that they didn't. Told as it was from the perspective of the relatively primitive species of the Milky Way, for all we know the Reapers actually spent some portion of their time in neighbouring galaxies carrying out the same activities as in the Milky Way.

But if they were able to travel to other galaxies, harvest them and then come back in less than 50,000 years, why did they need so long to reach our galaxy? (it's not mentioned, but it's obvious that between the first and the last game, some years have passed, and that ME3 takes place during months if not also years).

After all, as far as we know, mass relays don't go from one galaxy to another, so the Reapers have to do it by themselves.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.