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JEMC said:
The Fury said:

Even the Reaper's didn't seem to have the technology to journey the 2.5million light years required, they hibernated outside the Milky Way until it was time to 'harvest' again (every 50,000 years). The Protheon's were far more advance than any race in ME and they didn't do that either.

Of course, this is the most likely outcome. Sadly.

Well, we don't know if the Protheon did it or not. Maybe they were still travelling when the events of Mass Effect took place.

And the Reapers story has many holes in it, and that is one. If they want to preserve "life" or civilizations by turning them into Reapers, why didn't they go and do that in the other galaxies as well?

We don't know that they didn't. Told as it was from the perspective of the relatively primitive species of the Milky Way, for all we know the Reapers actually spent some portion of their time in neighbouring galaxies carrying out the same activities as in the Milky Way.

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