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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Quantum Break To Release on PC/XB1 On Apr 5

I heard it's only for Windows 10.
True ? If it is, not cool

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.

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CGI-Quality said:
Dadrik said:
I heard it's only for Windows 10.
True ? If it is, not cool

True. Yup!

Eh, not a fan of that.

Everybody I know Who "upgraded" are having issues. Not really planning to upgrade anytime soon...


Also, not trolling at All, really, but is the XBO still relevant, exclusive-wise ?

Everything seems to be coming to PC as well.

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.

JRPGfan said:
Basically everything the Xbox one gets, ends up on pc.

What would you expect MS to do for their PC players that they just last year promised to "re-commit" to?. They certain'y aren't going to bring back all the devs that made Ensemble studios rgeat let alone funding only PC projects, they are long past doing that and have opted for a "work on one, pass it to both" type workload.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Darwinianevolution said:
I'm still waiting for the announcement of Microsoft's own digital distribution platform. They have been signs of them trying to regain their ground of the PC market for a long time. Minecraft alone should guarantee them with a strong userbase from the start.

I find it a bit funny how they said last summer that they like Valve and don't want to compete with them but are more than willing to completely revamp the Windows store and lock  the PC ports to their OS and over time their store as well. THe 980ti requirement and DX 12 only is shrinking the market quite a bit as all PC gamers don't own that spec and not all PCG like Win 10 or the store. (speaking for myself I dislike 10 and dislike their locking approach in terms of "support").

Though they should have slapped the game on Steam as well for extra money but I guess they are willing to spend another 10 years at slowly trying to claw back the PC market that isn't going to slow down for them.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

I have waited so long for the next game from Remedy! This will be an awesome spring, just like last year with Ori :).

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It should be clear what's happening by now. Phil has had his budget slashed and MS are moving over to 100% PC. I wouldn't even be surprised to see some of these games coming to the PS4 eventually.


The PS5 Exists. 

Darwinianevolution said:
I'm still waiting for the announcement of Microsoft's own digital distribution platform. They have been signs of them trying to regain their ground of the PC market for a long time. Minecraft alone should guarantee them with a strong userbase from the start.

This is indeed very likely, though if it does happen i hope any purchase will be cross-buy. For me that would actually give Xbox One an edge atleast when it comes to buying digital, because you will alway's be able to play these game on any future pc you build.

CGI-Quality said:

I NEED this in my life!

Wow the guy in that couldn't shoot very well XD. He could have been a bit more creative like some were with time manipulation in Dishonoured. Shame I won't be able to play this game and I was really looking forward to it.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

April is looking badass!

Wow this game is going to be the first cross buy.... Merging the PC/Xbox one. Reducing the importance of Xbox one console is a good plan for Microsoft.