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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Detective Pikachu game revealed (Pikachu talks!)

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Was it just me that when I first heard that it was his voice, I nearly fainted?
It was sooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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noname2200 said:




Well not recently atleast!

I love this so much I can't put it into words. I'm downloading this the moment it hits the Japanese e-Shop, I'm almost tempted to buy another 3DS and download it there too, this needs to become a new series just for Pikachu's voice acting.

Einsam_Delphin said:

"We're very protective of our IP," says the guys who've been slapping Pokemon faces onto everything as of late. I mean seriously, a detective game? I don't think even Mario has gone that far off base.


Edwardooo said:

I think this could be the best Pokémon game ever made.


Ha ha ha, bless your soul! 

Mario is missing exists. That's way off base.

archer9234 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

"We're very protective of our IP," says the guys who've been slapping Pokemon faces onto everything as of late. I mean seriously, a detective game? I don't think even Mario has gone that far off base.

Mario is missing exists. That's way off base.

That was Luigi doing the sleuthing there.

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noname2200 said:
archer9234 said:

Mario is missing exists. That's way off base.

That was Luigi doing the sleuthing there.

That matters? It's a mario entry for education lol.

archer9234 said:
noname2200 said:

That was Luigi doing the sleuthing there.

That matters? It's a mario entry for education lol.

It matters quite a bit in this context.

Plus, there are so many better Mario games to point to!

I'm getting a feel that Tim Goodman might be Looker when he was younger. He mentions a Pokemon partner he had in the past, Detective Pikachu could fit that bill very nicely. I really hope they expand on this in future games.

Pikachu's voice slays me.

RingoGaSuki said:
I'm getting a feel that Tim Goodman might be Looker when he was younger. He mentions a Pokemon partner he had in the past, Detective Pikachu could fit that bill very nicely. I really hope they expand on this in future games.


Wasn't it confirmed that his partner was a Croagunk/Chatot ? inb4 I would dig that tough the guy doesn't realy look similar to Looker