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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mighty No. 9 Delayed (AGAIN)

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I wished I could've gotten my money back from supporting this game way back when the whole community manager drama happened. Ever since then, I've wanted nothing to do with it, and when gameplay first surfaced it looked really subpar, confirming my doubts.

Seeing it get delayed yet again just makes me sad for everyone else besides me who gave any money to this godforsaken joke of a project.


The robot should be female tho! I mean... gender studies 101.

Did she want the character to be some sort of sex bot? why was gender even an issue, it's a machine (in a god damn video game) . Jesus.

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When did they start with the development with this game?

Okej this freaking sucks wtf.

Again? That's ridiculous lol

I wanted to back this game during its Kickstarter campaign but I'm really glad that I didn't.

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I've lost interest in this game for a while now. I just don't see how this keep happening.

I mean, at least Inafune seems to understand that they've royally screwed up based on that message they sent out. But still, this is quite an embarrassment and unfortunately, could end up permanently staining the career of a once highly-regarded developer.

I lost interest in this game fast. Bring on Bloodstained!!!

ganoncrotch said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I wished I could've gotten my money back from supporting this game way back when the whole community manager drama happened. Ever since then, I've wanted nothing to do with it, and when gameplay first surfaced it looked really subpar, confirming my doubts.

Seeing it get delayed yet again just makes me sad for everyone else besides me who gave any money to this godforsaken joke of a project.


The robot should be female tho! I mean... gender studies 101.

Did she want the character to be some sort of sex bot? why was gender even an issue, it's a machine (in a god damn video game) . Jesus.


Ganondorf agreeing with Zelda. What a day we're having.

This is like the 4th delay?

Was never really interested much in this game, but delaying it like this will definitely kill the hype people have left in this game :/

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