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Forums - General Discussion - 'We will recover our land from the invaders': ISIS issues chilling threat to launch terror attacks in Spain to reimpose Muslim rule after 500 years

Wait, so they're saying that they want to invade an european country, member of NATO, that not only has their own powerful army, but that also would get help from all the superpowers in the world ?

Hahaha not a chance.

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OneKartVita said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
Islam did not rule spain until 1492, at one point they did control all the territory that is now spain and pushed into France, Charles Martel defeated them at the battle of tours, and over the course of the next 800 years they were slowly pushed off of the continent. 1492 is the year that the last bastion of Islamic(The Moors) control was removed.


The moors were muslim?  Wow I never knew.  were they always muslim or were they conquered and converted?

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

I'm curious, what would happen if the armed forces took a shitload of pigs, liquified the corpses, turned that into an aerosol and air burst them over ISIS forces. Would it piss them off, or would it freak them out for ingesting pork, which is against their religion?

They realized that they stopped showing up on the news after the France attack so they had to say something in order to get attention again. People really gotta stop reporting on these people they're like North Korea except not contained within the borders of a country (sadly)

Weren't the moors actually open to religous freedom (allowing other religions)? I don't quite remember, I learned this over 10 years ago. But I'm sure ISIS wouldn't know that... radical's. Either way, its a bunch of BS, so don't worry.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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lol, ISIS has a smaller fighting army than the country of Ethopia.

They wouldn't be able to take a shit in Europe, let alone 'conquer' anything.

As of late they have lost a lot of ground and money, they are feeling desperate.

Meh, Idle threats at most.

ISIS is currently in trouble. They even cut in half the salary of their soldiers recently, surely because of the oil strikes.

They will lose, sooner or later, in Syria and Iraq. The only thing they can do now is terrorist attacks, but the "caliphate" is dead, and ISIS will surely die too one day and be replaced by something else (and more likely in Africa...).

Meanwhile this gets zero media traction: