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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This Gaming Generation is Horrible, the Industry is a Mess


Let's Make the Industry Great Again

Ill start by poycotting DLC 49 30.43%
Ill Buy Games with Campaigns 81 50.31%
Ill quit gaming 31 19.25%

More like the western part of the industry

curl-6 said:

Yep, shittiest generation I've experienced, and I started with the 4th.

Creatively bankrupt and just so stale and predictable. Years in and it stills feels like gen 7.

Once Wii U's done, I'm returning to retro gaming until the current scene gets a bit less atrocious.

How do you know if you only owned a Wii U? 

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The instant Sony and MS stops getting on their knees for 3rd parties and take a stand, then we'll get the gaming world we deserve. Nintendo made their hardware for their own purposes and look at that. Wii U has tons of awesome games that work amazingly well within the hardware.

Sony and MS need to learn yet another lesson from Nintendo and stand up for themselves, and stop being tools of 3rd party publishers who only care about making easy money. 3rd party publishers and their cash grab maneuvers is rotting the industry, and Sony and MS are just letting it happen. When the industry crashes, it will be Sony and MS fault.

I don't buy annual games.

I don't buy season passes, with the exception of Drive Club.

I don't spend a penny on Microtransactions.

Games with tiny / small campaigns get traded in as fast as I can finish the game.

Broken games I get a full refund on.

The games industry is what you make of it. Unfortunately most people get played by it as suppose to playing it to your advantage.

I can agree with some of your points but I'm honestly having a lot of fun this generation with so many amazing games I'm looking forward to.

Just want to say Activision really gave us a lot for our money with Black Ops 3. There's just so much content in the stand-alone game that I felt like buying it full price was a bargain.

bunchanumbers said:
The instant Sony and MS stops getting on their knees for 3rd parties and take a stand, then we'll get the gaming world we deserve. Nintendo made their hardware for their own purposes and look at that. Wii U has tons of awesome games that work amazingly well within the hardware.

Sony and MS need to learn yet another lesson from Nintendo and stand up for themselves, and stop being tools of 3rd party publishers who only care about making easy money. 3rd party publishers and their cash grab maneuvers is rotting the industry, and Sony and MS are just letting it happen. When the industry crashes, it will be Sony and MS fault.

is that sarcasm? if not you mean third-party games like witcher 3, metal gear, Gta or fallout? all great games, how many of them released on wiiu?

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I don't think it is as bad as you claim, but it looks like there are more and more questionable things I see happening in the industry. At least it is not affecting the games I enjoy playing too much.



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Sprash said:
bunchanumbers said:
The instant Sony and MS stops getting on their knees for 3rd parties and take a stand, then we'll get the gaming world we deserve. Nintendo made their hardware for their own purposes and look at that. Wii U has tons of awesome games that work amazingly well within the hardware.

Sony and MS need to learn yet another lesson from Nintendo and stand up for themselves, and stop being tools of 3rd party publishers who only care about making easy money. 3rd party publishers and their cash grab maneuvers is rotting the industry, and Sony and MS are just letting it happen. When the industry crashes, it will be Sony and MS fault.

is that sarcasm? if not you mean third-party games like witcher 3, metal gear, Gta or fallout? all great games, how many of them released on wiiu?

Sony and MS bowed down to them. Yes it got them those games. But it also got them being told that their hardware is outdated almost immediately after launch. You also forget cash grab hype jobs like Destiny, Watchdogs, and the like. You also forget random stuff like Thief, Murdered Soul Suspect, and lots of gems like Ryse, The Order, Basement Crawl, Speakeasy, and lots of other random crap. Not to mention the appearance of MTs, DLC Season Passes, and Preorder Bonuses to try to milk out as much money as humanly possible.

You also neglect to mention that Konami pretty much used up Kojima then tossed him out. Or Fallout 4 being pretty much a badass Skyrim mod. Or GTA being a last gen game. All because Sony and MS prostrate themselves before the mighty 3rd party. Gaming was doomed since Sony first bowed down during the PS1 era.

LudicrousSpeed said:
I'm inclined to agree. I find myself playing less and less games and the ones I do play are mostly MP games where myself or friends can provide fresh experience because the industry sure as fuck isn't gonna provide it. I've actually started using this gaming PC I built to play PC games and it's amazing how much more creativity and originality there is there, and for a fraction of the price. In just a few weeks I have a double digit PC backlog and it cost me less than one AAA game would cost on my PS4 or Xbone. It's also why I am pretty excited for a potential new Nintendo console this gen.

More or less how it's been for me so far. That and I'm also looking forward to seeing the new Ninty system.

I do dislike episodic gaming though so I tend to avoid those altogether and avoid season passes until they are dirt cheap, there have been some shit practices and some bad games this gen but I'm having fun with it on my system for the most part and even getting to play some old gems (old ones coming to Steam for example).

That said I don't see much point for me to invest in either of the other two systems when my rig gives me what I want with the extra bells.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Vote with your wallet m80.
Yeah a lot of modern video game practices suck big time.
Although in response to the thread title itself, I think this generation has produced quite a few diamonds, so it isn't necessarily horrible. The Witcher 3 and Rocket League come to mind: good games, but I list them mostly for the relationship between the devs and the consumers. Transparency, free DLC, etc. I'm sure someone else can step in and list some other good games we have seen. These are the games that I wish other games would be modelled after. Is it not a better business practice to garner a population of loyal fans? Imagine the sales of Psyonix and CD Projekt Red's next games! Once again, not just because of the games' critical acclaim.
As for Destiny, Mortal Kombat X, Evolve, THPS5, AC Unity, Battlefront etc: I think it's unfortunate that Battlefront and Destiny sold so well. The other games got what they deserved, to a varying degree.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

i wholeheartedly disagree:

1. I have yet to buy or play a game where i felt like i got 1/5th of a game on the rest was behind dlc. the only dlc practise i dislike was destiny and that complaint wasn't that the orginal game lacked content but that the dlc invalidated its use "forcing" me to upgrade to the latest add-on.

2. with ps+ gaming feels cheaper and more affordable then ever. i have a huge backlog of games i want to play which makes it easy to wait for new releases to drop to half price 6 months after release.

3. i like remasters of games i like. if i don't like the game i don't buy it and the existence of that game has ZERO impact on my life. there is no reason to list it as a reason this generation is disappointing.

4. i've yet to play a truely broken game. i'll bet most of you guys that complain about AC unity haven't actually played it. it's a fucking joke to call that game unplayable,.. go back to the NES era of gaming and i'll show you some truely "unplayable" games. an occasional dip in framerate, some pop-in, infrequent visual artifacts do not make a game unplayable. this gen has been no better/worse than any other except that these days game breaking glitches can be patch post release. things are better than ever honestly.

5. bloodborne. infamous. the witcher 3. rocket league. resogun. life is strange. fallout 4. the talos principle. metal gear. far cry 4. axiom verge. the order 1886. transistor. until dawn. the swaper. broken age. uncharted 4. ratchet and clank. the witness. the tomorrow children. detroit. dreams. cuphead. horizon. the last guardian. ect and so forth. i have played and am anticipating a huge selection of great games,.. and that's what gaming is all about. i'm having a ton of fun this gen.