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Vote with your wallet m80.
Yeah a lot of modern video game practices suck big time.
Although in response to the thread title itself, I think this generation has produced quite a few diamonds, so it isn't necessarily horrible. The Witcher 3 and Rocket League come to mind: good games, but I list them mostly for the relationship between the devs and the consumers. Transparency, free DLC, etc. I'm sure someone else can step in and list some other good games we have seen. These are the games that I wish other games would be modelled after. Is it not a better business practice to garner a population of loyal fans? Imagine the sales of Psyonix and CD Projekt Red's next games! Once again, not just because of the games' critical acclaim.
As for Destiny, Mortal Kombat X, Evolve, THPS5, AC Unity, Battlefront etc: I think it's unfortunate that Battlefront and Destiny sold so well. The other games got what they deserved, to a varying degree.

#1 Amb-ass-ador