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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD is the most dissapointing Zelda remaster


Do you like the current TPHD?

Yes, because... 88 51.76%
No, because... 82 48.24%
curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

TPHD could have looked much, much better than it does with some simple lighting upgrades. WWHD used Wii U level lighting, TPHD still uses Gamecube era lighting.

Art style is a matter of preference. Aesthetically, I think TPHD looks better than WWHD already.

I dont think so, like I wrote, WW already look solid, art style aged great, and with just higher resolution and better lighting game looks beautiful again. Basically they didn't need to change anything else, no textures or models. TP on other hand did not look exactly breathtaking even on launch in 2006, but today looks horrible, so just better lighting definitely wouldn't had some impact like has on WW HD.

That's your opinion, but reality is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definatly not so beautiful.

There is no "reality" when it comes to subjective preference. Whether either game is beautiful or not is a matter of opinion and cannot be right or wrong, true of untrue.

My opinion and Wind Waker looks horrible is no less "reality" than your opinion that it looks beautiful.

OK then, reality is that widely spread opinion is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definitely not so beautiful, that is a fact. If you want, you can make Poll to confirm that fact.

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Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

There is no "reality" when it comes to subjective preference. Whether either game is beautiful or not is a matter of opinion and cannot be right or wrong, true of untrue.

My opinion and Wind Waker looks horrible is no less "reality" than your opinion that it looks beautiful.

OK then, reality is that widely spread opinion is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definitely not so beautiful, that is a fact. If you want, you can make Poll to confirm that fact.

That it's the more popular opinion is a fact, but that doesn't make the opposite opinion any less valid.

For example, if 90% of the world loved spicy food, that wouldn't make the 10% who hated it wrong, it would just mean they had a different opinion.

curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

There is no "reality" when it comes to subjective preference. Whether either game is beautiful or not is a matter of opinion and cannot be right or wrong, true of untrue.

My opinion and Wind Waker looks horrible is no less "reality" than your opinion that it looks beautiful.

OK then, reality is that widely spread opinion is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definitely not so beautiful, that is a fact. If you want, you can make Poll to confirm that fact.

That it's the more popular opinion is a fact, but that doesn't make the opposite opinion any less valid.

For example, if 90% of the world loved spicy food, that wouldn't make the 10% who hated it wrong, it would just mean they had a different opinion.

True, but if majority of people say something is prettier than something else, than reality is that thing is prettier.

Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

That it's the more popular opinion is a fact, but that doesn't make the opposite opinion any less valid.

For example, if 90% of the world loved spicy food, that wouldn't make the 10% who hated it wrong, it would just mean they had a different opinion.

True, but if majority of people say something is prettier than something else, than reality is that thing is prettier.

No. The very nature of artistic preference is that there is no right or wrong answer.

Looks fantastic to me.

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Miyamotoo said:

I dont think so, like I wrote, WW already look solid, art style aged great, and with just higher resolution and better lighting game looks beautiful again. Basically they didn't need to change anything else, no textures or models. TP on other hand did not look exactly breathtaking even on launch in 2006, but today looks horrible, so just better lighting definitely wouldn't had some impact like has on WW HD.

That's your opinion, but reality is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definatly not so beautiful.

No. During the announcement someone put better lighting in an official screen of TPHD (similar lighting to TWWHD) in it looked not only good, but a lot better. There's no defense for this.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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I still think they should have waited to make the Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword remakes for the NX.

But for some reason people wanted a Twilight Princess remaster. I blame Zelda U.

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the_dengle said:
DivinePaladin said:

I think the implication here I have a problem with is that you're implying that Super Hero Mode is something people will have to go out of their way to experience; such a mode is made entirely for Zelda superfans, many of whom will already have the Ganon Amiibo.

If I'm not a "Zelda superfan" I don't know who is. I don't have any amiibo and I don't want any. What do I win?

Anyway, Hero Mode (simply multiplying damage taken by the player) is an ineffective bandaid for one of Twilight Princess's biggest problems. The difficulty needed to be completely rebalanced. The final boss has attacks that deal the bare minimum amount of damage measurable... Hero Mode doesn't fix that. In a game where your final max health is at least 4 times the amount you started with, endgame enemies should hit harder than the very first annoying bats you fight in the tutorial.

But actually balancing the difficulty curve sounds like a lot of work, let's just slap a damage multiplier on the game and ship it.

Sounds like you've got a grudge against amiibo or something then. Most of the people that fit into superfan category were chomping at the bit for more Zelda merch. The superfan category also generally contains many people who wanted something like Hyrule Warriors. I'm not one of those superfans though. So we're both outliers to that crowd in some respect. 


As for the rest of your comment, Hero mode has always been a band-aid so pinning that entirely on TP is unfair. The only meaningful Hero Mode was probably in SS because it felt somewhat designed around that game's difficulty for once. WW's and especially LBW's were both just tacked on trash modes to instill some semblance of "hardcore" for people who weren't sold on those games. TP's looks to be the same, but with how long this game's allegedly been in development, I'd like to think maybe they adjusted damage outputs too. They've seemingly touched on some of the other big flaws after all. I don't expect that to be the case but you never know. 

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

I think a lot of the problem is people expected this


When that was not going to happen, Nintendo would have to completely remake the game.

I think content wise OOT3D was the most disappointing, graphic wise was great but they didn't even bother to fix the running man guy.

Anyway, what i think will be the bright of TPHD will be the content added and change, yes it might be the most disappointing visual upgrade wise but that doesn't mean it won't have the most content added to it.

Meelow said:
I think a lot of the problem is people expected this


When that was not going to happen, Nintendo would have to completely remake the game.

I think content wise OOT3D was the most disappointing, graphic wise was great but they didn't even bother to fix the running man guy.

Anyway, what i think will be the bright of TPHD will be the content added and change, yes it might be the most disappointing visual upgrade wise but that doesn't mean it won't have the most content added to it.

Unfortunately, the content is locked behind amiibo. So, If I whish to buy digitally and no amiibo, I only have an underwhelming remaster and no new content to compensate the lackluster graphic update.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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