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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ranking Star Wars: Where is VII?

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. The Force Awakens
4. A New Hope
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Pantom Menace

Around the Network

1. Empire
2. New Hope

Don't care about the others.

for me

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return Of The Jedi
3. Revenge Of The Sith
4. A New Hope
5. The Phantom Menace
6. The Force Awakens
7. Attack Of The Clones

Man force awakens has made me appreciate the prequels more, I was shaking my head and thinking ugh really many times throughout the film.

You know guys, I have never seen worse official movie in the STAR WARS Universe ever. So, if I am to rank it it would be below the charts. No, you know what? I won't even count it as a STAR WARS movie.

With all due respect, there is no STAR WARS in the force awakens, it's just action movie with toys from the great franchise. I love STAR WARS and I know the difference. Besides it's a rip off...

metroidking said:

Man force awakens has made me appreciate the prequels more, I was shaking my head and thinking ugh really many times throughout the film.

I totally agree. I was shaking my head, looking on all the sillysness, stupidity, and lack of essence of STAR WARS. They even changed the way the force works in the previous Episodes. Now, apperantely, everyone who is force sensitive, can use the force without any training and be the master in it, even defeating someone who was trained by some serious mean Big Motha Sith Lord... I don't understand how I menaged to stay in the cinema... I wanted to see Luke... and that's it... that's it... Action movie with some stuff from STAR WARS Universe... I am disappointed. And I am very sorry about that. 

Around the Network

1 Clones
2 awakens 
3 sith
4 hope
5 menace
6 empire
7 jedi

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

New Hope
Force Awakens
Then garbage that doesn't even deserve being listed here.

StarOcean said:

1. Empire
2. Force Awakens
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. A New Hope
6. Phantom Menace
7. Clones

Some things I noticed though: The music wasn't as strong as the other movies. And the famous Star Wars transition fades seemed absent

This is my order as well, and I agree about the music, the lowo points of Force Awakens were the music (it was great but not as great as I hopped it would be) and Captain Phasma who is 100% useless.

Empires Strikes Back
Star Wars
Return of the Jedi

Original unaltered editions

Feel free to check out my stream on twitch 

HyrulianScrolls said:
TPM at least has a few things that do work. Darth Maul, Qui Gon, and the pod race. AOTC has literally nothing good to say for itself.


Lol, that's a little harsh. But, yeah, it's an easy vote for last place right now. Hopefully none of the sequel trilogy will dip that low. 

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