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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your plans for Rise of the Tomb Raider

I'll wait for the NX version. I'm sure that it will include the first one too. No joke I'd pay full retail for that when it lands on NX.

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Roronaa_chan said:
2017 after it hits budget price

Same. I just playing the uncharted collection and TR literally just copied these games and put a women in it. Uncharted has better level design though characters are better to.

some time next year. So much to play right now, but believe me it's high on my X1 list.

I bought the first on Xbox 360 and loved it. Then I got the definitive edition when I bought a PS4 (actually the reason I bought the console) and loved it. Then it was free for PS3 and Xbox 360 so I got it again. Then it was free on Xbox One so I played it again!

I preordered it for Xbox One and I'm loving it.... but I'm almost done. Guess I have to but the Season Pass.

bought it and think its great, so my plans are done

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

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Did you buy the previous game? = No
Do you intend to buy this one? = No
If so, are you going to shell out for an Xbox One for it? = No
Did you already have an Xbox One? = No
Are you planning to wait? = No
If so, for three-four months (PC) or for a whole year (PS4)? Or are you planning on giving the game a miss?

Planning on giving it a miss.


The last time I played a Tomb raider game, the game was alot differnt.

It wasnt a action shooter type game, but more of a puzzle solver and raid tombs type of game.

Wait ps4 release, and wait i find one used, so no money for square !

I have a bone and ps4. I don't have the first one and I have a big backlog on both consoles so I will wait and buy both around the same time on ps4. I also don't care for Microsofts money hatting because they don't have a uncharted. I can wait.

I'm buying it next week.

Played previous couple of titles and planned on getting this. I will eventually, when is based on pricing when PS4 version releases.