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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Fast Racing Neo thread: OUT NOW!

Just downloading it now. I have been waiting for this one for awhile.

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This game is so amazing. Anyone else use motion controls besides me?

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]

[PSN: Jissu]

Just played the first cup on Subsonic.

Verdict: very good.

I'm still acclimatizing to the handling, but the difficulty level is fine. It's challenging, (I expected that) but it feels more fair than the first FAST Racing on Wii. I was able to place 2nd on every track on my first try, and 1st overall since my opponents didn't consistently place 1st. (I dislike in racing games when your opponents place in the same order with clockwork regularity, making any loss more damaging)

And good grief, they weren't idly boasting about their graphics. This thing is all kinds of gorgeous, with awesome lighting and a silky 60fps.

I agree with Curl, this is not nearly as unfair as FAST Racing League felt. The orb mechanics there were infuriating and made memorization necessary to even play some courses since it was incredibly easy to screw yourself.

I do like that the AI opponents don't always do the same race to race. A little chaos in the rankings helps make staying in the top three a bit easier.

However, two things. One, for all the inspiration they took from F-Zero and other games like Wipeout, I wish they had taken F-Zero's tight handling. Even in the blisteringly fast GX I always felt 100% in control. Here? Not so much. It's not too bad but it feels like they designed it for Subsonic and nothing else, like the other two speeds are from separate games. The second thing is the AI. It is nearly impossible to freaking pull away. Even when you are racing on a course where you regularly see AI screwups. I honestly think the occasional cheap moves by the AI are what make the handling so annoying, cause the AI gets to arbitrarily compensate.

I still like it, it's fun. And the game is gorgeous, especially in motion. I just think those two issues combined with the challenging difficulty really hurt the experience. I will say one thing Shin'en needs to work on is a sense of personality. Everything looks good and the designs are cool enough, but it lacks really memorable personality in music, aesthetics, etc. It's all trappings and finery of course but it's just something I've noticed with them. Of course, a lot of that is due to their small size which really is impressive.

So, I've just beaten the Subsonic League and I'm loving it. It took me a couple of times beating the last cup, but I managed myself to won all the 4 cups. The jump to the Supersonic League is brutal though. I noticed a lot the speed change, and it's hard as nails to get to the podium. I can't imagine how hard the Hypersonic League must be (let's not talk about the Hero mode...). But yeah, the game is just what I expected. Fast, fun, visually gorgeous and challenging. Internet mode worked flawlessly the 10 races I've played (and, man, there are already people who are brilliant lol). The only problem I had with this game: my console froze two times. I don't know if anyone had this issue.

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The detection of the positioning is kinda buggy, I finished second several times, but it showed 1st with 10ms in advance. An it sometimes flips between 10th and my actual position during the race.

But it's a great game so far and pretty challenging. I won all cups, but never all four races.

Image quality is weird, it has AA according to an interview (I don't see it), but it looks more jagged than MK8 because of the vertical interlacing. I've never seen that in a video game
I mean those vertical lines:

Other than that, great visuals for a small indie studio.

Just finished Hypersonic and a couple of tracks on Time Attack and Hero Mode. Fantastic game.
Took a while to get used to controlling the vehicle in this mode but leaning properly allows for some crazy drift turns. I do prefer the lighter vehicles at these speeds.
I would've liked a map sometimes to check how far I'm away from someone in front or behind, and a rear view mirror button, though at high speeds neither of these would be really useful.

Give these people a bigger budget and a bigger team and I think they could create something amazing.

This game is freaking amazing. Best 15 euros i have spend in a long time, it has challenge, good controls, great graphics, a consistent framerate even in online multiplayer and the biggest sense of speed I have ever seen on a racer game. I love it. My only complain so far is the lack of buttom customization, but other than that, this is the best game on its genre in a long, long time.

Ziro Industries is the best vehicle so far for me; its handling is tighter than the other starter vehicles, so its not on as reliant on drifting to get around corners, and its acceleration means quick recovery from crashes.

Further down the line as I get more used to the physics I may get better with the heavier vehicles, but for the moment, Ziro's agility makes it the easiest to pick up and play.

I got it today!

I only played the first cup so far but i must say... its a great game, even if it cost 60. It has about the same content as a mario kart minus parts, but most of all, this is absolutely the unofficial F-zero sequal. If the game was called F-zero Neo, it wouldn't be wrong. The only difference is it doesnt have all the classic F-zero ships and drivers., but in its place it has an evolution in the gameplay with the 2 color boosts.
So, in that way its a complete F-zero, but with an Wipeout vibe.

Its definitly a great purchase.

I'm glad i enjoyed it after the disappointing time i had with my previous indie title, wich was my first indie purchase (mercenaries 2 on the 3DS). This one actually feels like a retail game. And i don't mind about the price one way or another because this is the level of quality i want indie titles to achieve.

Looking forward to that 90's racer" alot aswell now. This is what indie games should be, not those silly 16 bit graphics platformers and shooters.