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I agree with Curl, this is not nearly as unfair as FAST Racing League felt. The orb mechanics there were infuriating and made memorization necessary to even play some courses since it was incredibly easy to screw yourself.

I do like that the AI opponents don't always do the same race to race. A little chaos in the rankings helps make staying in the top three a bit easier.

However, two things. One, for all the inspiration they took from F-Zero and other games like Wipeout, I wish they had taken F-Zero's tight handling. Even in the blisteringly fast GX I always felt 100% in control. Here? Not so much. It's not too bad but it feels like they designed it for Subsonic and nothing else, like the other two speeds are from separate games. The second thing is the AI. It is nearly impossible to freaking pull away. Even when you are racing on a course where you regularly see AI screwups. I honestly think the occasional cheap moves by the AI are what make the handling so annoying, cause the AI gets to arbitrarily compensate.

I still like it, it's fun. And the game is gorgeous, especially in motion. I just think those two issues combined with the challenging difficulty really hurt the experience. I will say one thing Shin'en needs to work on is a sense of personality. Everything looks good and the designs are cool enough, but it lacks really memorable personality in music, aesthetics, etc. It's all trappings and finery of course but it's just something I've noticed with them. Of course, a lot of that is due to their small size which really is impressive.