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I got it today!

I only played the first cup so far but i must say... its a great game, even if it cost 60. It has about the same content as a mario kart minus parts, but most of all, this is absolutely the unofficial F-zero sequal. If the game was called F-zero Neo, it wouldn't be wrong. The only difference is it doesnt have all the classic F-zero ships and drivers., but in its place it has an evolution in the gameplay with the 2 color boosts.
So, in that way its a complete F-zero, but with an Wipeout vibe.

Its definitly a great purchase.

I'm glad i enjoyed it after the disappointing time i had with my previous indie title, wich was my first indie purchase (mercenaries 2 on the 3DS). This one actually feels like a retail game. And i don't mind about the price one way or another because this is the level of quality i want indie titles to achieve.

Looking forward to that 90's racer" alot aswell now. This is what indie games should be, not those silly 16 bit graphics platformers and shooters.