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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

superchunk said:
superwrxsti said:
I hate Christ...

 Your sig is rather offensive and I in very poor taste. I am not Christian either but, can easily recognize it as just wrong. Please remove it.

He dosen't hate Isa that's something, lol

This thread is missing something...


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superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
I believe one must be part of the 144,000. Everyone else has a hope to live on a paradise earth for eternity.

That is the one thing that has always made me .... very ... distanced from Jehovah's Witnesses. The idea that God will only give Paradise to an extremely small group of people. Sorry, but that is so much of the opposite of the idea of God and Heaven.

Plus, if you actually read that part of the bible it says 144,000 and many more. Whenever JW's come to my house this is what I show them in the Bible.

Your concept of our beliefs is a tad off. Paradise is on earth for us. Anyone and everyone has the potential to gain everlasting life in that paradise. I'm interested to see where you get the idea of many more going to heaven as well. As I understand it from my reading of the bible, there are two groups: the annointed, and the great crowd. Let's ignore all the scriptures that talk about the meek inheriting the earth or God's will being done on earth and look solely at that division. What's the point of dividing people into two groups if they're going to the same place? We believe the 144,000 serve as joint kings and priests with Christ (this is talked about throughout Revelation) who look after all those on that paradise earth.

Read what the passage actually says.;&version=31;

1. (7:1-8)144,000 are already defined and they are all of Jewish decent.
2. (7:9)After they are described is specifically says there are tons more of people from every nation.

Taking the most symbolic and image-ridden chapter of the bible and interpreting it literally is not a good idea.  Revelation speaks of great beasts, a great harlot, etc.  It is a vision full of symbols and metaphors and many other things, so would it be too hard to believe that the 144,000 are not literally of Jewish decent?

Note that the usual listing of the tribes is not used (Compare Numbers 1:17, 47).   The use of describing them in this manner is to show a similar organizational structure of the original 12 tribes.  Each tribe has the same number of people and is neither more or less powerful than each other.  It underlines the equality of the whole nation of kings and priests.  This is not to say that those of the annointed class can not be of Jewish decent, only that it is not required.  Them being of solely Jewish origin would also conflict with Revelation 5:9, 10 where the 144,000 are described as being out of every tribe and people and nation.  I've got more evidence if you want it, but I think you get the point.

As for the great crowd described afterwords, an important word must be noted.  The word enopion (translated before in English) literally means "in the sight of" and is used several times in reference to humans on earth who are "before" or in the sight of Jehovah.  It is used at Exodus 16:9 in reference to the nation of Israel coming before God.  Obviously, they did not suddenly and temporarily ascend into heaven. 

tarheel91 said:

As for the great crowd described afterwords, an important word must be noted.  The word enopion (translated before in English) literally means "in the sight of" and is used several times in reference to humans on earth who are "before" or in the sight of Jehovah.  It is used at Exodus 16:9 in reference to the nation of Israel coming before God.  Obviously, they did not suddenly and temporarily ascend into heaven. 

I alwasy though that Enopian meant in the presence of or before. Anyways you can't really reference the use of enopian from Exodus mainly because Exodus was not written in Koine it was written in ancient Hebrew which had different grammer and usage. Unless you are stating that the Septiguint used that word in which case you are correct but the Septiguint is like quoting the new testament in Latin for the original context of the word when Koine(like enopian is) or Aramaic(like the peshitta although that is debatable which version came first the peshitta completely lacks anything from Paul).

I like the bibles that have language trees that show multiple words that a word in the original language could mean though it is a pain to sort or read in any sense.


Also Revelations itself is the book with the largest level of questionability of origin or author.

tarheel91 said:
superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
I believe one must be part of the 144,000. Everyone else has a hope to live on a paradise earth for eternity.

That is the one thing that has always made me .... very ... distanced from Jehovah's Witnesses. The idea that God will only give Paradise to an extremely small group of people. Sorry, but that is so much of the opposite of the idea of God and Heaven.

Plus, if you actually read that part of the bible it says 144,000 and many more. Whenever JW's come to my house this is what I show them in the Bible.

Your concept of our beliefs is a tad off. Paradise is on earth for us. Anyone and everyone has the potential to gain everlasting life in that paradise. I'm interested to see where you get the idea of many more going to heaven as well. As I understand it from my reading of the bible, there are two groups: the annointed, and the great crowd. Let's ignore all the scriptures that talk about the meek inheriting the earth or God's will being done on earth and look solely at that division. What's the point of dividing people into two groups if they're going to the same place? We believe the 144,000 serve as joint kings and priests with Christ (this is talked about throughout Revelation) who look after all those on that paradise earth.

Read what the passage actually says.;&version=31;

1. (7:1-8)144,000 are already defined and they are all of Jewish decent.
2. (7:9)After they are described is specifically says there are tons more of people from every nation.

Taking the most symbolic and image-ridden chapter of the bible and interpreting it literally is not a good idea. Revelation speaks of great beasts, a great harlot, etc. It is a vision full of symbols and metaphors and many other things, so would it be too hard to believe that the 144,000 are not literally of Jewish decent?

Note that the usual listing of the tribes is not used (Compare Numbers 1:17, 47). The use of describing them in this manner is to show a similar organizational structure of the original 12 tribes. Each tribe has the same number of people and is neither more or less powerful than each other. It underlines the equality of the whole nation of kings and priests. This is not to say that those of the annointed class can not be of Jewish decent, only that it is not required. Them being of solely Jewish origin would also conflict with Revelation 5:9, 10 where the 144,000 are described as being out of every tribe and people and nation. I've got more evidence if you want it, but I think you get the point.

As for the great crowd described afterwords, an important word must be noted. The word enopion (translated before in English) literally means "in the sight of" and is used several times in reference to humans on earth who are "before" or in the sight of Jehovah. It is used at Exodus 16:9 in reference to the nation of Israel coming before God. Obviously, they did not suddenly and temporarily ascend into heaven.

 7:4-8 specifically says the names of the 12 tribes...

4Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
 5From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,
   from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,
   from the tribe of Gad 12,000,
 6from the tribe of Asher 12,000,
   from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,
   from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,
 7from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,
   from the tribe of Levi 12,000,
   from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,
 8from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,
   from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,
   from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.

and 5:9-10 is not a contradiction; the entire chapter of 7 which details 144,000 of Jewish decent as leaders and many others for all tribes which is the whole group of "chosen" people, the whole group is what 5:9-10 are referring to.

Either way it is pointless to argue with you. You are merely parroting what your preachers has taught you vs actually thinking about what it says. 

superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
superchunk said:
tarheel91 said:
I believe one must be part of the 144,000. Everyone else has a hope to live on a paradise earth for eternity.

That is the one thing that has always made me .... very ... distanced from Jehovah's Witnesses. The idea that God will only give Paradise to an extremely small group of people. Sorry, but that is so much of the opposite of the idea of God and Heaven.

Plus, if you actually read that part of the bible it says 144,000 and many more. Whenever JW's come to my house this is what I show them in the Bible.

Your concept of our beliefs is a tad off. Paradise is on earth for us. Anyone and everyone has the potential to gain everlasting life in that paradise. I'm interested to see where you get the idea of many more going to heaven as well. As I understand it from my reading of the bible, there are two groups: the annointed, and the great crowd. Let's ignore all the scriptures that talk about the meek inheriting the earth or God's will being done on earth and look solely at that division. What's the point of dividing people into two groups if they're going to the same place? We believe the 144,000 serve as joint kings and priests with Christ (this is talked about throughout Revelation) who look after all those on that paradise earth.

Read what the passage actually says.;&version=31;

1. (7:1-8)144,000 are already defined and they are all of Jewish decent.
2. (7:9)After they are described is specifically says there are tons more of people from every nation.

Taking the most symbolic and image-ridden chapter of the bible and interpreting it literally is not a good idea. Revelation speaks of great beasts, a great harlot, etc. It is a vision full of symbols and metaphors and many other things, so would it be too hard to believe that the 144,000 are not literally of Jewish decent?

Note that the usual listing of the tribes is not used (Compare Numbers 1:17, 47). The use of describing them in this manner is to show a similar organizational structure of the original 12 tribes. Each tribe has the same number of people and is neither more or less powerful than each other. It underlines the equality of the whole nation of kings and priests. This is not to say that those of the annointed class can not be of Jewish decent, only that it is not required. Them being of solely Jewish origin would also conflict with Revelation 5:9, 10 where the 144,000 are described as being out of every tribe and people and nation. I've got more evidence if you want it, but I think you get the point.

As for the great crowd described afterwords, an important word must be noted. The word enopion (translated before in English) literally means "in the sight of" and is used several times in reference to humans on earth who are "before" or in the sight of Jehovah. It is used at Exodus 16:9 in reference to the nation of Israel coming before God. Obviously, they did not suddenly and temporarily ascend into heaven.

 7:4-8 specifically says the names of the 12 tribes...

4Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
 5From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,
   from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,
   from the tribe of Gad 12,000,
 6from the tribe of Asher 12,000,
   from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,
   from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,
 7from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,
   from the tribe of Levi 12,000,
   from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,
 8from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,
   from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,
   from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.

and 5:9-10 is not a contradiction; the entire chapter of 7 which details 144,000 of Jewish decent as leaders and many others for all tribes which is the whole group of "chosen" people, the whole group is what 5:9-10 are referring to.

Either way it is pointless to argue with you. You are merely parroting what your preachers has taught you vs actually thinking about what it says. 

Please don't assume you know what I'm basing this off of.  I find it a tad offensive.  The great crowd is NEVER referred to as kings and priests.  However, the scripture at 5:9-10 refers to a group that would be "priests to our God and ... kings over the earth."  You also fail to consider what's actually going on in this chapter of the bible.  It's a vision given to John in a dream.  It switches from one sight to another frequently and you can't assume that the 144,000 and the great crowd are in the same place because they're listed one after the other.  The use of the word "before" should have made it clear that they were not actually in heaven.  As I said before, compare it to Numbers 1:17, 47 and see if you can spot the irregularity in this listing.

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superchunk said:
linkthe2nd said:
superchunk said:
superchunk said:
Belief in God (regardless of what you label yourself or your religion) and be a good moral person.


Jesus is missing there, so not truth for me.

If you says so.

I think God is more intelligent than that. There are too many millions of people that...

A) came way before Jesus
B) Have never heard of Jesus/Christianity of any form
C) Have plenty of reasons to think Chrsitianity, not necissarily Jesus, are bogus. I mean have you actually read the bible and studied Christian history??? So full of inaccuracies, obvious tampering, and contradictions is just amazing.

God couldn't possible be omnipotant and put all those who are really good moral people, like Gandi, etc, in Hell simply because they didn't accept Jesus.

You and others really need to think on a much bigger scale. 

Can you please give me some specific examples of this?  I would sure like to see what you are talking about. 

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

kazadoom said:

Can you please give me some specific examples of this? I would sure like to see what you are talking about.

 You're like the seed of a little mustard weed. Wine and fish, casting your bread on the water... handling poisonous snakes and speaking in tongues. Fascinating life you must live there with just the shirt on your back and a sturdy stick. Hrm, so where could the inconsistencies be? It'll probably be really hard to find them.

kazadoom said:
superchunk said:

C) Have plenty of reasons to think Chrsitianity, not necissarily Jesus, are bogus. I mean have you actually read the bible and studied Christian history??? So full of inaccuracies, obvious tampering, and contradictions is just amazing.

Can you please give me some specific examples of this?  I would sure like to see what you are talking about. 

Here's a small one to start out with: Who was Joseph's father?

Matthew 1:16--And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke 3:23--And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.

i dont know what the requirements are. i just know i fulfill them to the fullest, whatever i do or think or say.

yes, I'm THAT good, baby.

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