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superchunk said:
linkthe2nd said:
superchunk said:
superchunk said:
Belief in God (regardless of what you label yourself or your religion) and be a good moral person.


Jesus is missing there, so not truth for me.

If you says so.

I think God is more intelligent than that. There are too many millions of people that...

A) came way before Jesus
B) Have never heard of Jesus/Christianity of any form
C) Have plenty of reasons to think Chrsitianity, not necissarily Jesus, are bogus. I mean have you actually read the bible and studied Christian history??? So full of inaccuracies, obvious tampering, and contradictions is just amazing.

God couldn't possible be omnipotant and put all those who are really good moral people, like Gandi, etc, in Hell simply because they didn't accept Jesus.

You and others really need to think on a much bigger scale. 

Can you please give me some specific examples of this?  I would sure like to see what you are talking about. 

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?