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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Lost Worlds no longer Nintendo exclusive, coming to Steam.

Didn't Nintendo have like a deal with Sega for 3 sonic games? So that deal included a timed exclusive, a Mario & Sonic at the Olympics that woulda been exclusive anyways, and one of the, if not the worst Sonic game to date. They really struck gold with that partnership...

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this actually makes me want to try it:



Some parts remind me of galaxy, and I like the idea of platforms that are 3D, and you run around them to get past obstacles.

I hope sonic stays with this formula, its the best Ive seen for a sonic game in along time.

I actually liked this game! I wish Sega would've stayed with this style rather than straying to Boom, but ah well.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Fuck timed exclusives.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Cool. Wonder what mods will do to it.

I'll probably try this Sonic game, like I do with a new one every once in a while, then realise I don't like the IP at all.

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Kresnik said:
Cool. Wonder what mods will do to it.

I'll probably try this Sonic game, like I do with a new one every once in a while, then realise I don't like the IP at all.

kresnik pls.

We all know your the biggest sanic fan on this site.

It wasn't that bad, it just felt a bit rushed and unpolished.

Recap of the exclusivity deal with Sega:
- Sonic Lost World on Steam
- Mario & Sonic Olympics would have been exclusive to Nintendo anyway
- Sonic Boom being Sonic Boom

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

JRPGfan said:

Never even heard of this game...

Youtubed it, and it actually looks like a decent sonic game. O_o



Its been so long since i youtubed a sonic game and actually thought it looked okay.

It's just the art style. Don't get excited.

I'm just afraid that Sonic Colors will follow suit.

bet: lost