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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?


Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?

Yes 117 42.86%
No 111 40.66%
I haven't played it so I can't say. 45 16.48%

RPG is a too broad concept, you can't put Chrono Trigger and Deus Ex next to each other and compare them, but I can and Deus Ex wins.

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it is the xenoblade chronicles of 90s, imo.

It is up there for me. In my top five.

Ka-pi96 said:
Unless Final Fantasy 8 changed it's name without me noticing... no.


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

^ Gurl dat gif.

I haven't played it, and probably never will.

But the whole "best RPG" is very broad... Of course, most western rpgs are crap, but still.

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Ka-pi96 said:
Unless Final Fantasy 8 changed it's name without me noticing... no.


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AZWification said:

No, that would have to be Paper Mario TTYD imo. Chrono Trigger is still in my top 5 though!

TTYD is a classic. Who would have though, GameCube had aside of TTYD, both Prime games. Amazing games those 3, I think I will start them again.

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It's one of the greatest easily but I don't know about it being THE greatest. That's really a matter of preference.

no final fantasy 2 and 3 were way better then of course 7-8-9 after that the series went to shit quick

One of the best for me, Chrono Trigger, Suikoden II or Final Fantasy VI, can't decide between them.