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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?


Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?

Yes 117 42.86%
No 111 40.66%
I haven't played it so I can't say. 45 16.48%

No game will ever be the greatest ever because in order for that to happen, everyone who has played it would have to say so. As much as I love Chrono Trigger, it's just an RPG. Not the greatest nor the worst. That goes for any genre. I dislike "greatest ever" discussions. But I'm all for opinions. As an Opinion, I it's up there with the best but for me that title will always go to Dragon Quest VIII.

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exdeath said:

No. It's on the list but its not the absolute #1.

I'd give that title to Xenogears.

Final Fantasy IV is high on my list as well.  In fact it held its #1 spot in my heart for years until I played Xenogears for the first time which was in the 7th generation.  So I like to use it as an example of how my nominations are not due to nostalgia.  I played on PS1 game that I never played in the 90s, in the PS360 generation, and it pretty much blew me away and took my #1 spot of all time.  The scope and implications of the story just blow away anything else.

It would be an injustice to attempt to list all the games high on the list and risk missing one, but nothing has instilled neck chills the way Xenogears did towards the end.

What kept me from saying Xenogears was the second disc. The first disc was simply amazing but the second disc was just a boss rush to the end of the game. I understand the time constraints but still, that's my rant.

Ljink96 said:
No game will ever be the greatest ever because in order for that to happen, everyone who has played it would have to say so. As much as I love Chrono Trigger, it's just an RPG. Not the greatest nor the worst. That goes for any genre. I dislike "greatest ever" discussions. But I'm all for opinions. As an Opinion, I it's up there with the best but for me that title will always go to Dragon Quest VIII.

I 100% agree with you there! <3

StarOcean said:
Ljink96 said:
No game will ever be the greatest ever because in order for that to happen, everyone who has played it would have to say so. As much as I love Chrono Trigger, it's just an RPG. Not the greatest nor the worst. That goes for any genre. I dislike "greatest ever" discussions. But I'm all for opinions. As an Opinion, I it's up there with the best but for me that title will always go to Dragon Quest VIII.

I 100% agree with you there! <3

If you asked me back then what was my favorite game I would say Dragon Quest VIII and the same still holds today. It just didn't disappoint me. I was always engaged, the voice acting was excellent, the music was superb. The battles, although random encounters, were fast paced enough and the graphics just blew my 9 year old eyes away. Can't believe it's been 10 years since I first played it. Glad you like it, it's a masterpiece.

Nope Final Fantasy 2 on super Nintendo.... I think in japan it is final fantasy 4 but whatever it was 2 when I played it back in the day and it is still the best final fantasy and RPG in my opinion.. Tales on symphonia is a close 2nd.

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Holy shit, this is the most epic poll results that ive ever seen. It is virtually a tie.

yes, it's all times best Turn Based RPG, for sure.

Ljink96 said:
As an Opinion, I it's up there with the best but for me that title will always go to Dragon Quest VIII.

Good choice ;)

Chrono Trigger is certainly one of the most influential and greatest RPGs ever made.
However, due to different opinions others may have, and the fact that most RPGs are story oriented; different individuals will have different experiences with certain games. Some games may resonate with them more than others and vice versa.
Certain stories and characters have a different impact on different people. This can be due to multiple things, such as personal traits and someone's own life experiences sharing a similar concept to that of a fictional character, making them more relatable.

Is Chrono Trigger the best RPG? Well... that would depend on who you ask.
It is undeniably one of the best.

I can only see it as a perfect rpg, and for me, not only a, but THE perfect game. I'm really impressed that it is only winning by 2 votes