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exdeath said:

No. It's on the list but its not the absolute #1.

I'd give that title to Xenogears.

Final Fantasy IV is high on my list as well.  In fact it held its #1 spot in my heart for years until I played Xenogears for the first time which was in the 7th generation.  So I like to use it as an example of how my nominations are not due to nostalgia.  I played on PS1 game that I never played in the 90s, in the PS360 generation, and it pretty much blew me away and took my #1 spot of all time.  The scope and implications of the story just blow away anything else.

It would be an injustice to attempt to list all the games high on the list and risk missing one, but nothing has instilled neck chills the way Xenogears did towards the end.

What kept me from saying Xenogears was the second disc. The first disc was simply amazing but the second disc was just a boss rush to the end of the game. I understand the time constraints but still, that's my rant.