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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your Super Smash Bros Mains?

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Superquagsire said:
I've only played Smash 4 so far and I've mained Bowser, Yoshi, and King Dedede.

Finally I'm not alone!

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uran10 said:
Superquagsire said:
I've only played Smash 4 so far and I've mained Bowser, Yoshi, and King Dedede.

Finally I'm not alone!

Really? I could of sworn ive seen other people on this thread say they main yoshi...

Either way he's awesome!

EDIT: Ok nevermind i checked. Too bad too! Yoshi is really awesome!!

While I do have preferred characters, I typically tell people to pick my Fighter and I'll wreck them with it.

But on topic, I don't know as far as SSB4 is concerned. Haven't given it enough time.

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64- Mario
Melee- Back in the day, Marth/Jigglypuff. On the rare occasion I play it now, Mario.
Brawl- Zero Suit Samus, Pokemon Trainer
4- Zero Suit Samus, Mega Man, Ryu, Palutena

Superquagsire said:
uran10 said:

Finally I'm not alone!

Really? I could of sworn ive seen other people on this thread say they main yoshi...

Either way he's awesome!

Yea Others main him in previous games but not in smash 4 when he is just amazing.  I mean considering how good he is now you would expect more people to main him.

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mZuzek said:
Kotastic said:
Sm4sh - Luigi and Sheik

I think I just puked.

Says the person that mains a character with the worst voice the smash series ever had. Even worse than Ness in 64.

uran10 said:
Superquagsire said:

Really? I could of sworn ive seen other people on this thread say they main yoshi...

Either way he's awesome!

Yea Others main him in previous games but not in smash 4 when he is just amazing.  I mean considering how good he is now you would expect more people to main him.

Yeah thats true! Maybe we can see which yoshi is better sometime ;)

Smash 64: Kirby and Falcon
Smash Bros. Melee: Marth, Jigglypuff and Falcon
Smash Bros. Brawl: Marth and Falco
Project M: Fox, Falcon and Jigglypuff
Smash 4: Falcon, Ness, Shiek and (Dr.) Mario (still deciding)

Jiggly and Luigi in all games, and Bowser in 4, really like zero suit samus, lil mac and Ike

Superquagsire said:
uran10 said:

Yea Others main him in previous games but not in smash 4 when he is just amazing.  I mean considering how good he is now you would expect more people to main him.

Yeah thats true! Maybe we can see which yoshi is better sometime ;)

I would love to, but I don't own the game, I just play it at my college's game room everyday instead of studying though I'm cutting back starting next week.

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