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Forums - Sales Discussion - August 2015 NPD Thread! PS4, XBO, Wii U estimates up!

Soundwave said:

Sony is the market leader. They have momentum. Winning shouldn't be a surprise.

Especially in the modern market, if I buy a console I want the same console as my other friends have, and if more of them have a PS4, I'm going to get the PS4 so we can play online together.

It doesn't matter what deals Microsoft puts up really to that extent. I'm not going to get an XBox One just to save maybe $50 and not be able to play with my friends online for the next 5 years. $50 doesn't even buy you a new game these days, it's a cheap dinner and a movie with the girlfriend, big whoop. 

This about sums it up, In this ever increasing online gaming enviroment you and your friends all need the same console. In earlier gen's in never really mattered and was actually great to get different to what your friends had and bounce between each others houses to play everything.

NPD actually seems lower all round than I thought was expecting 220k+ both Xbox One and PS4.

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alrightiwill said:
I think it will be a statistical tie

Woohoo I finally got something right!

Well no wii u numbers it seems. Also until dawn did decent by only selling 30k more than splatoon.

Again it is great to see PS4 won! But why the heck do we only have Splatoon and Xbox One numbers? o.O

jason1637 said:
Well no wii u numbers it seems. Also until dawn did decent by only selling 30k more than splatoon.

Wii U = 42k/43k

@Dr.Vita PS4 209k

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My numbers were a bit off but the gap I predicted was close. Glad to see competition ramping up as we get toward the holiday season.

Kresnik said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

They'd only mention Vita if it outsold 3DS or was up YOY. Otherwise they wont mention it in PR.

It was up YoY in January and February iirc, but they didn't say anything about it.

Well I'll rephrase, that's when they're most likely to mention it. 

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2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

jason1637 said:
Well no wii u numbers it seems. Also until dawn did decent by only selling 30k more than splatoon.

Until Dawn was released on August 25th, less than a week was charted on NPD.

Wow, PS4 just barely edget out a win.

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Mr.Playstation said:
Wow, PS4 just barely edget out a win.

Globally on the US, yes. It was razor sharp close.

Globally on the Globe, it is still a massacre!

Still amazing how Sony have not cut the price of the console yet, they have so much confidence in their product.

But we all know how Microsoft behaves on holidays, balls to the wall deals incoming. Sony cant sleep on this upcoming couple of months.