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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sales for Gran Turismo Series, GT6 overtracked on VGC

Gran Turismo 7 could be a massive hit worldwide on the Ps4 if Poliphony makes a great game.

The Ps4 has Europe grabbed by the cojones and they LOVE racing games. I could see this game selling millions just on that market, let alone the rest of the world.

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Once again proves that Chartz data should not be trusted in any way whatsoever.

Sony should have bundled it with every PS3 since its release.

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That's really bad. I mean, I know Sony was dumb for releasing it at the end of the generation, but GT is their biggest exclusive franchise. I would've thought it could sell more than that especially since the PS3's install base was quite huge.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Very poor attach rate for one of the biggest Racing franchises in gaming. Forza 5 sold 2m with a 10m install base compared to GT6 selling 2.5m on a 85+ install base. Definitely should of been a PS4 game from the start.

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My GAF post... these numbers didn't add up.

I'm a bit skeptical about these numbers...

Japan: > 500k (Dec 2014)
US: > 500k (my low estimated based in over 300k at launch)
Germany: > 100k (Dec 2013)
UK: > 100k (my low estimate based in the launch)

Full EU, rest of the world, 2 years... and it didn't sold more than 1 million?

Sorry but something feels wrong here... it can be outdated numbers.

Another fact... GT6 first DLC was 2.5m downloads at sometime.... so this number is really bullshit.

The Aston Martin's Vision GT project, the DP-100, was downloaded by over 2.5 million people in Gran Turismo 6 as of August 2014.

ZhugeEX said:
Once again proves that Chartz data should not be trusted in any way whatsoever.

While I agree about Chartz...

The reported data is wrong and don't fit with any other official data we have about GT6.

So there is something wrong in this report news.

ethomaz said:

Another fact... GT6 first DLC was 2.5m downloads at sometime.... so this number is really bullshit.

The Aston Martin's Vision GT project, the DP-100, was downloaded by over 2.5 million people in Gran Turismo 6 as of August 2014.

Is that unique downloads? What is with people who sold the game so another user downloads the dlc?

Sorry, this doesn't tell much.

ethomaz said:
My GAF post... these numbers didn't add up.

Sorry but something feels wrong here... it can be outdated numbers.

but its a court order document from august 21, 2015.. you think SCEA is lying to the court about the numbers?


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)