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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tell Sony what feature you miss the most about the PS4!

asqarkabab said:
Ah i forgot
Make online play free again
Refresh psn and get rid of that horrible dd speeds aswell

It is free still on everything that ever had it before.  Sure the PS4 requires PS+, but idk I had it for the free games beforehand and it comes with dozens of amazing features.  get over it people.

Prediction for console Lifetime sales:

Wii:100-120 million, PS3:80-110 million, 360:70-100 million

[Prediction Made 11/5/2009]

3DS: 65m, PSV: 22m, Wii U: 18-22m, PS4: 80-120m, X1: 35-55m

I gauruntee the PS5 comes out after only 5-6 years after the launch of the PS4.

[Prediction Made 6/18/2014]

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I want the theme maker back. And dynamic theme builder too. Also, the color selection for the home screen is lacking a lot from the PS3. Can I have auto changing wallpapers, shesh.

Tmfwang said:

I wonder what features you guys want the most when it comes to the PS4, PS Store, PS Now or anything Playstation.

No Backwards compatibility, we all know you want that.

Nope. I have no desire for backwards compatibility on the PS4.

The PS4 needs some decent themes. The overwhelming majority of current themes are just awful, low effort cash grabs.

pbroy said:
BC on PS4, because PS3 UI was an afterthought and slow as fuck. I keep buying games on these sales but cringe at the thought of turning the PS3 on to download the games. I cant even download all the games because my 1TB is almost full and no I'm not going to download games to make space. Download speeds suck and servers might shut down. External hard drive support for PS4 amd PS3 please.....

You mean for games? That probably will not happen due to hackers playing burnt games. I thought PS3 already has external HDD support. I know it does for music and movies. PS4 does not unless you use the media server to play whats on the external.

TaMpAbLaCk said:
pbroy said:
BC on PS4, because PS3 UI was an afterthought and slow as fuck. I keep buying games on these sales but cringe at the thought of turning the PS3 on to download the games. I cant even download all the games because my 1TB is almost full and no I'm not going to download games to make space. Download speeds suck and servers might shut down. External hard drive support for PS4 amd PS3 please.....

You mean for games? That probably will not happen due to hackers playing burnt games. I thought PS3 already has external HDD support. I know it does for music and movies. PS4 does not unless you use the media server to play whats on the external.

Ruler also thought the same thing about external HDD support for games, but no. I heard pirates use it though. 😋


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Wishlist, Gifting and being able to trade-in games.

Refunds too. Basically like Steam.

a better interface for the store and OS.

We are getting remaster of some PS3 games, so i want PS1/PS2 games.


Of course backwards compatibility. And I am also missing the notification when friends go online/offline.

I want the ps tv to support the ds4 mic, and remote play to pass all microphone audio to the ps4.

Having to vita party chat would be acceptable if the fuqing app didn't require you to do that annoying work around. I mean you can't even go to the party app without being dced from remote play.


I also want ps now to better handle disconnects. They should keep the session open and give you 180 seconds to take it back.


PS now should also have an app ability to restart the game entirely. I played that sjrpg on now and constantly had to force close the app to restart the game. That moment when you know you lost the fight, but still had to wait 20 minutes to lose.