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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do Wii U owners feel disappointed?

Dr.Vita said:

I mean Wii U only had 2 full years (2013 and 2014) and Nintendo is already teasing there new console in 2015... 
Do Wii U owners feel betray from Nintendo?
Are you going to buy NX?

This is just so wrong.. :)

First.. it's fun when you and others like to point out how bad WiiU does.. you always use 3 years.. makes me wonder.. (or it does not.. just sad)

Second.. Nintendo did the "we are still committed.. and working on new "platform" codenamed NX".. BECOURSE they whent smartdevices too.. (and they specally said that they HOPE to share more info next year.. (read between the lines.. 2017 is more likely)

Last.. NO.. offcourse not.. only if we see it and it's just and upgraded WiiU.. (and we know its not.. IF it's NX.. becourse that will be some brand new)

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I often read this kind of thread and laugh way too hard more than I should be


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213

Wii U continues to be my favorite console of this generation BY FAR. Especially since Splatoon has come out, I can't put the damn thing down. So no, I'm not going to be disappointed if NX does release early. That said, I won't be buying on Day 1 because I like to wait for more games to be released and any bugs/quirks to be worked out.

It really is a shame that the sales were so poor. This will forever be known as a highly underrated console, if not the most underrated console ever.

run away! 

fleischr said:
Nope. I bought the system knowing that at any minute Nintendo would shutter future support for it.

SM3DW, MK8, Smash, Wind Waker HD, and several other surprises have made it worth it.

The WiiU for me has come out a little better than I had hoped.

I'd more disappointed if the NX couldn't be more successful than the WiiU.

Wow, can you read minds? I was going to write almost the same thing.

SM3DW, MK8, DK: Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Wind Waker HD (free with MK8), Metroid Prime Trilogy for €10, DK Returns for €10 and Xenoblade Chronicles for €20 were already more enough reasons to upgrade from my Wii to WiiU. Fatal Frame 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles X will be another good additions for my collection.

Dr.Vita said:

I mean Wii U only had 2 full years (2013 and 2014) and Nintendo is already teasing there new console in 2015... 
Do Wii U owners feel betray from Nintendo?
Are you going to buy NX?

The Wii U is almost three years old. Next year, it will be four years old. The GameCube only lasted for four years in Europe iirc, so I don't really see why that would be such a huge problem. That being said, we know nothing about the NX, we don't even know if it's a home console or not. They only said that they are going to talk more about the NX in 2016, and no that doesn't even guarantee a reveal. Even if they revealed it next year, that still doesn't mean it'll release in 2016 as well. If anything, the next home console is more likely to release in 2017. If that's the case, that's 5 years for the Wii U, an average console lifespan. 

And even if they release their next home console in 2016, so be it. We've got amazing games this generation, many better than previous installments. Plus, there's many more to come. You won't hear me complain, at this point I've gotten enough enjoyment out of my Wii U as I have had out of any other console. Besides, my Wii U isn't going to dissappear either, I'll probably still be playing Wii U games in ten years time. The only thing that matters to me, is a console's library, and the Wii U has got plenty of amazing titles. By the end of this year, I'll have more Wii U games than GameCube games. 

Will I buy their next home console? Probably. I've always bought Nintendo systems, and unless they do something radical (in a bad way), I'll get their next console.

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I feel betrayed by 3rd partys who promised me great support when console was shown on e3. And who showed me their dick after first half a year.
As for Nintendo - their game offerings mostly was exellent. And on the quantity - you can do only so much by a single company!

No. They made the best games this gen.

The only part I feel "betrayed" about is that I want more games that they aren't making.. Fire Emblem U, Animal Crossing U (which they actually probably are making this, they wouldn't make a new engine just for the party animal crossing) some form of Metroid, a few more new IP's and I'd be good. However, that being said I am very happy with my Wii U. I just wish there was a tad bit more, you know?

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I think it just depends of each gamer's expectations. If you bought the console for first party content, then you shouldn't be dissapointed because so far they have done a pretty good job though there still no new zelda around to complete the cycle. If you expected more than that, then some would be dissapointed.

I don't feel betrayed per say but definitely underwhelmed.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine