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Forums - Gaming Discussion - WHAT IS THE BIG PROBLEM WITH FANBOYS?

It seems like any post you put up about any console and its exclusives gets flamed by PS3, XBOX and Wii fanboys.

It gets me angry to see such terrible comments thrown at one another. Who in their mind would make up nicknames like xbots, PSgays and Wiishits. They act like if there is a real war going with guns and bombs between sony, microsoft and nintendo. The companys and game devs, creators, etc... are not GODS people, WAKE UP.

Can anyone out there tell me why they can't enjoy all three systems for what they offer, and do you think that this nonsence will go on forever? (cause it seems so to me).






Have been a nintendo fan from the begining.

A sony fan when PS came and still is.

Now a xbox fan - only gamer to have all three

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Lol....I've never actually heard of PSGays or WiiShits.....they sound slightly more harsh than xbots :P


did you read this

Not really related but puts things in perspective.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

What are you, 12?



I agree so much i have a xbox and when someone says it's crap i don't call them down my friend had a wii and i love going over his house and playing brawl achually sometimes i would like to have a wii or ps3.

And yes i do think this is going to go on forever because no ones going to accept the simple fact that all consoles are good and move along and actually enjoy the other systems

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well...everybody wants to see their favorite console pwn the others. Don't worry - it's part of human nature

"Lol....I've never actually heard of PSGays or WiiShits"

Haha,neither have I.

ZR14,insecurity about one´s purchase is one of the roots of fanboyism,if not the main reason.

Torillian said:
Lol....I've never actually heard of PSGays or WiiShits.....they sound slightly more harsh than xbots :P

Lets hope those awful euphamisms don't catch on.

People + internet = argument.

Also it is rather rare I see any of those names thrown around on VGC (I have never heard of the last two and xbot isn't used very often here)

I don't really mind the small arguments that happen here, probably because by interenet standards they are like polite conversations, even if I generally stay out of them.

You know when a forum is terrible when you have a group of "fanboys" that are all in league with each other and yet they still argue over why their console is best despite the people they are arguing with being on their side.

theres really no point in arguing with a fanboy, thats why i ditched gamespot forums and came here.

you cant convince a fanboy to see anything good in another console. they will stick by their console or games (halo) even if they suck ass.

theres a few 360 fanboys in my school and when they found out i sold my 360 for a ps3, they literally befriended me for a while, then they came to their senses