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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

generic-user-1 said:
DerNebel said:

Nintendo has been pushing oversexualization quite a lot for some time now, especially in their 3rd party exclusive games it's pretty obvious.

bayo is the ultimate female powerfantasy... a strong women that  play with men...

Bayonetta is the one I'd let slip but there's also Hyrule Warriors, Fatal Frame V, SMTxFE and Devil's Third, one could argue Smash 4 and XCX to a degree as well.

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Dunban67 said:

Most guys enjoy girls and the female body-   If you look at any popular womens mag, it is pretty obvious women appreciate other women/the female body as well (no i don t mean in a romantic/sexual way) 

So my question is why would you have a problem w it-  just be mature and either play thru the game or if you don t like the game do t play it-

Virtually every product, service and entertainment incorpoarte some aspects of the opposite sex and or both sexs to sell, entertain etc- some more tastefully than others-    yet only the video games industry in the US?)  and Hooters seems to get critasized for it-

Why are there so many beta males attached attached to the video game world?  ive never seen anything like it

They are using sex to sell, and being a religious person I don't give a crap about seeing porn in my video games like the gen pop does.  It's seriously distasteful most of the time and corny, it literally adds nothing of value but FAP material.  I could go on and on on how this is why video games and other media get a bad rep, but in this case I thought FE was a game (IT WAS BEFORE AWAKENING) that didn't use sex to sell and it's strengths rested on that. 

Can no longer say that any longer


Busted said:
I fail to see the problem, if you think the gameplay has changed for the worse blame the developers, not the character designers

I see the game deisgn and the characters as the problem.  It's both the dev team and character designers fault for this

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

You know, I wasn't going to get this game before...

It's off-putting for me as well. Some people play something colorful and it makes them feel embarrassed to play it, like a kid. I'm not that way; what makes me feel like that is anime bewbs. It makes me feel stupid for supporting it, and to me it's indicative of a project that's traded any integrity for sad pandering.

The sexualization isn't the problem, but I agree with the sentiment that changing to a generic slice of life anime is off putting. That's an issue plaguing a lot of old JRPGs and Japanese made games now. A shame.

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Captain_Yuri said:
I dont see any issues with it. Infact I love it!

One thing is clear though, the old way was not working out for them considering how much FE sales decreased with each iteration. Only after FEA did it once again start telling quite a bit and most likely, the fan service helped with the sales. So yea, I really see no issues with it. If the minority has issues with sex, oh well, I for one would rather take oversexualization over a dead franchise anyday.

I just hope NoA doesn't censor it like they did with FEA

Oversexualization or not, the Fire Emblem franchise as we knew it is dead since Awakening released. 


You can't say that Awakening and Radiant Dawn are 2 games of the same franchise.

DerNebel said:

Nintendo has been pushing oversexualization quite a lot for some time now, especially in their 3rd party exclusive games it's pretty obvious.

Oversexualisation!? Geez, did someone turn back the clock to the 19th century or what's happening here?

The_Sony_Girl1 said:
WRPGs don't have sexualized female characters? Did you not play The Witcher, Mass Effect, or Dragon Age?

I'm not denying that part, but a lot of them don't. 

And like I said the point of this thread isn't to call out sexualization in RPGs, I'm just calling it out in this particular RPG which went 20 years without having to resort to these sleezy tactics. 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

Faelco said:

Oversexualization or not, the Fire Emblem franchise as we knew it is dead since Awakening released. 

You can't say that Awakening and Radiant Dawn are 2 games of the same franchise.


I feel the exact same fukking way

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

ToraTiger said:
outlawauron said:

Honestly, I find it strange that in the age of feminism that people are mandating for all of the female characters to be covered up or outrage.

Well I'm a Christian and that type of thing does not appeal to me the way it might appeal to the rest of the population. And LoL@ at the guy calling sexualization "art".  You literally just make the characters look more provacative and you get more sales.  Playing on basic male sex drive.  I understand that feminism can get crazy, but I'm honestly sick to death of sexualization in media, even with men, but they seem to do it with females 100X more, which is pretty unfair. 

I just don't think this is true. If it were, then our top selling titles would look very different. Fanservice games do not sell a lot, and those that are even notable (i.e. Senran Kagura, which isn't a big seller) have fun gameplay behind them that keeps people buying them.

Honestly, Tora, our media is already incredibly prudish. There's already major stigmatisms about sexuality in media that the US is still far behind most of the 1st world. Only reason I bring it up is that were likely to see more, not less, in the future.

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