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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

All this does is make me wish for a Wii U version. Looks like I'm stuck waiting for SMTxFE.

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bunchanumbers said:
All this does is make me wish for a Wii U version. Looks like I'm stuck waiting for SMTxFE.

Well both are coming until 2016 so we are stuck waiting either way.

WhiteSky said:

WhiteSky said:

is that for you too much?

In Senran Kagura ? No, it would be perfect.


What. That's nowhere near good enough for SK. Too modest, too appropriate, too tame.

I personally have no issues with fan service in games or any other media nor do I have issues with what some call "tasteless" non-art that has no intellectual or artistic value, as if having intellectual and artistic value are mandatory prerequisites for something being created.

That said, I can understand why some longtime fans of the series would be disappointed with it. After all, it's a sudden change and not everyone will be pleased. It's a series that has, for the most part, been relatively wholesome in its designs for sometime now. Is all of this optional for those players? I would not support blatant censorship of this for the West, though I fully expect NoA and NoE to censor some parts of this even if I don't support it at all.

IAmCrimsonLegion said:
I personally have no issues with fan service in games or any other media nor do I have issues with what some call "tasteless" non-art that has not intellectual or artistic value, as if having intellectual and artistic value are mandatory prerequisites for something being created.

That said, I can understand why some longtime fans of the series would be disappointed with it. After all, it's a sudden change and not everyone will be pleased. Is all of this optional for those players? I would not support blatant censorship of this for the West, though I fully expect NoA and NoE to censor some parts of this even if I don't support it at all.

This is all outside of the main missions, kind of like a Pokemon Amie if you have played Pokemon X/Y, one could just ignore all this content, which it's just like a distraction if you're not advancing in the story.

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DerNebel said:

Nintendo has been pushing oversexualization quite a lot for some time now, especially in their 3rd party exclusive games it's pretty obvious.

Huh? This is a first party Nintendo game. Always has been.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


ToraTiger said:

While I never played the game, this thread contains no spoilers and MAY be NSFW.  

Prior to awakening, all the female characters in the series dressed very modestly, with only a few exceptions, had decent figures and overall didn't come across as being overtly "sexual".  Which I can't say anymore about the series.  In awakening they introduced a few very sexualize characters, such as Tharja, Olivia and a few others.  There was even a DLC chapter where one of the girls strips down with a provacative risque pose and another with a girl covering her breasts.  While Awakening was pretty sparing with the sexual aspects, it was still a LOT more than anything else we have seen in the series before.  Fast forward to FATES, from what I've seen it seems that everything about the game is peppered with sexual undertones and risque elements.  Below is a part of the game where they literally let you look at your partner while they are stripped down, while many of the characters are wearing very lewd underwear. 




One character in particular (Camilia?) seems to be in the game entirely for sexualization.  Her breasts are large, shows her underwear (this is suppose to be at war time) below is a video clip of when her character is introduced to the game (no spoilers)

To me, this series is just becoming a typical generic slice-of-life anime with too much fan service and less of an emphasis on substance.  I understand why Nintendo needs to change their older franchises to appeal to a wider demographic, but this is such a stark contrast from the originals I can't see Fates as an appealing game to people who loved the originals.  If you follow me on this site, you would know that I already had a strange relationship with Awakening, mostly due to the weak setting, story and characters, as well as a few broken mechanics that made the flow sloppy and more random then FE usually is.   My grip isn't much with the gameplay, though awakening had weak maps and I suspect  similar to fates (Again suspect, don't quote me on that) but my main complaint is that FE is heading down the line of all the other typical generic JRPGs built on stereotypes, oversexualization, and cliches.   This is suppose to be an epic fantasy story like LOTRs, but now it just seems like every run of the mill slice-of-live anime with a medeviel setting.  Really offputing, I can't see myself enjoying this game the same way I did with FE:POR.  This might be the first time since FE has been in America that I might pass on buying the game, even though I have the full collection (thus far in america)

Thoughts, guys? 

How old are you, 90?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

ToraTiger said:
ElPresidente7 said:
tagged ...
hoping for more pics!

What does tagged mean/do? 

I've always wondered that too.

Aeolus451 said:
IkePoR said:

Another person missing the point.  Again, no one is saying that sex doesn't have a time and a place, we're saying that Fire Emblem has, for the most part, been very taseful and creative with character design.  Fates' character design is straight up "how naked can we make these girls?".  

Why does "fan service" have to be characters that are nearly naked or in see-though clothing?  Do fans have such little imagination that they can't look at a reasonablly, sexilly dressed guy or girl and enjoy it?

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

The OP has more problem than just that, but this stark overnight change in art and direction.  I can post a bunch of problems I had with Awakening (Which I state in the OP but don't clarify all  the details)

If you want all my complaints about the game and not just the art, setting, direction, story, ect here.


 The story is awful, the characters are flat, Pair Up breaks the game, the maps are repetitive, there's way too much pointless sexualization, the soundtrack really isn't that good, the DLC (other than Future Past, I've heard) is bad, some of the new official localizations we got are dumb (if you're going to make a point of removing Thracia's references, actually do it instead of half-assing it), the difficulty is either the new dumb fake stuff we're getting now or is just nonexistent, the world is horribly developed, the main protagonists and villains are a special brand of unacceptably awful horrendous terrible quality...

I mean, the gameplay follows the basic FE formula, so there's fun to be had, but all this game has over the other FE games are little streamlining bits - which partially are only helpful because of this game's faults. I shouldn't want to skip enemy phase because I should care what happens on enemy phase. Automatic restocking and such are nice additions, though. The interface is pretty solid, too. Way better than the SNES one.             

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

The_Sony_Girl1 said:
ToraTiger said:


Thank god they do.  

This could get borderline the M rating in America, like it is in japan. 

Sad to see a series good from the bottom of the rating scale at E, and now it's at M, just for the sake of sexualization. 

I know people who are Christians, and will play this game. They aren't bothered by the oversexualization because they don't try to access it.

I'm not against sexuality or boobs in games or media as a whole, it would be damn near impossible to get away from it in this day and age.  Literally everything has a piece of sex appeal in it, especially  It's offpointing to FE imo because of how much of a stark difference it is from the modest and aunthetcity of the earlier games.  

 Now it just looks like slice-of-life anime Fire Emblem eddition.  It's only when it gets to the point of Game Of Thrones do I see sexualization as a real detrimiment and completely offputting to something. Like I said, I was raised away from stuff like this, same for many of friends who also play FE, have similar complaints that I do, but of course they are going to play the game away

That being said, I'll probably pass on this game for a while because I probably won't enjoy it due to the setting, characters, plots, aesthetics, sexualization ect.  Again this is a maybe, so I can't judge, but based on what I'm hearing from people who have played the JPN version, they kinda confirms all my problems.   Also this is coming from the perspective of a fan of the older games, to newcomers who haven't made any associations I'm sure this will be a great game to them, especially if they're into anime, and anime of this type.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew