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The_Sony_Girl1 said:
ToraTiger said:


Thank god they do.  

This could get borderline the M rating in America, like it is in japan. 

Sad to see a series good from the bottom of the rating scale at E, and now it's at M, just for the sake of sexualization. 

I know people who are Christians, and will play this game. They aren't bothered by the oversexualization because they don't try to access it.

I'm not against sexuality or boobs in games or media as a whole, it would be damn near impossible to get away from it in this day and age.  Literally everything has a piece of sex appeal in it, especially  It's offpointing to FE imo because of how much of a stark difference it is from the modest and aunthetcity of the earlier games.  

 Now it just looks like slice-of-life anime Fire Emblem eddition.  It's only when it gets to the point of Game Of Thrones do I see sexualization as a real detrimiment and completely offputting to something. Like I said, I was raised away from stuff like this, same for many of friends who also play FE, have similar complaints that I do, but of course they are going to play the game away

That being said, I'll probably pass on this game for a while because I probably won't enjoy it due to the setting, characters, plots, aesthetics, sexualization ect.  Again this is a maybe, so I can't judge, but based on what I'm hearing from people who have played the JPN version, they kinda confirms all my problems.   Also this is coming from the perspective of a fan of the older games, to newcomers who haven't made any associations I'm sure this will be a great game to them, especially if they're into anime, and anime of this type.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew