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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

If you think that people in bathing suits or seeing the side of a boob that's covered is too much, you need to relax. You can go to any beach where there's college kids running around and you'll see a lot more skin than what's in any game. Also, it's a japanese game first and foremost. There's nothing wrong with sexualized characters.

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ToraTiger said:
ryuzaki57 said:

It's just modern gaming, deal with it.

"Deal with it" can literally be said about every single topic on every single forum and every single debate.  Don't know why people even feel the need to post that in messages board, it adds nothing to the debate and just comes off as mindless defending of something.  Sure it's not going away, but don't me and the true fans of the original FE  at least have a  say?

I've been playing Fire Emblem since the GBA and I don't have the smallest problem with a little fan-service here and there. The gameplay is intact, the story-telling is not so bright but it's still very enjoyable. The cute/sexy elements in themselves don't impact the overall quality of the game. If you don't like the new design choices then it's your personal biais against it, but you're not the voice of the true fans bearing the eternal truth about Fire Emblem, please...  

And if this is pornography I could show you Vita games that would make you instantly faint...

Aeolus451 said:
If you think that people in bathing suits or seeing the side of a boob that's covered is too much, you need to relax. You can go to any beach where there's college kids running around and you'll see a lot more skin than what's in any game. Also, it's a japanese game first and foremost. There's nothing wrong with sexualized characters.

Another person missing the point.  Again, no one is saying that sex doesn't have a time and a place, we're saying that Fire Emblem has, for the most part, been very taseful and creative with character design.  Fates' character design is straight up "how naked can we make these girls?".  

Why does "fan service" have to be characters that are nearly naked or in see-though clothing?  Do fans have such little imagination that they can't look at a reasonablly, sexilly dressed guy or girl and enjoy it?

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Nintendo can't get anymore sexual than Cia from Hyrule warriors, or Samus without her suit, this is fine.
Fire emblem girls have always been part of the appeal imo.

generic-user-1 said:
ToraTiger said:
generic-user-1 said:
OnlyForDisplay said:
WhiteSky said:

is that for you too much? 

Sadly, for me, this answer truly depends on ones personal views White-San. This issue is constant throughout multimedia entertainment. Even some people viewed StarFire from the New 52 a form of artistic freedom. The big question still is "Where do both devs. and gamers draw the line between artistic freedom and over sexualization?"

there is no line because over sexualization IS artistic freedom.  if the artist would choose to make everybody naked, thats totaly fine, its his vision and not the vision of some hardliners of the victorian age...  go to saudi arabia if you cant stand half naked women.

How is this even a retort to my thread? I'm not arguing that it's illegal or morally wwrong to put this outfits in the game, I'm saying it's in poor taste and really sacrifices all the charm and character the series spent 20 years building, just to get weebs and horny teenagers to fap to anime chicks that dress inapproiately, both for the real world and for the setting/period of the series. 

you think its in poor taste, and thats totaly okay.  but i dont think its made for horny teenanger. its just a way to go with the time.(horny teenagers have deviantart, that covers everything, even sexy sonic).  and women on a battlefield are inapproiate in the setting/period, no matter if they are dressed sexy or not.

Exactly. FE is not an accurate representation of any given time period (mages, dragons, ect) You were the one who said that sexuality was rampant in these times so it's okay in FE.  Way to double back on that when I post something that contridicts what you said.   And having sex is NOT the same thing as showing women dressed like hookers with ample proportions fighting on a battlefied. 

Also, the horny anime fan demographic is EXACTLY what they are aiming for. 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

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ryuzaki57 said:
ToraTiger said:

"Deal with it" can literally be said about every single topic on every single forum and every single debate.  Don't know why people even feel the need to post that in messages board, it adds nothing to the debate and just comes off as mindless defending of something.  Sure it's not going away, but don't me and the true fans of the original FE  at least have a  say?

I've been playing Fire Emblem since the GBA and I don't have the smallest problem with a little fan-service here and there. The gameplay is intact, the story-telling is not so bright but it's still very enjoyable. The cute/sexy elements in themselves don't impact the overall quality of the game. If you don't like the new design choices then it's your personal biais against it, but you're not the voice of the true fans bearing the eternal truth about Fire Emblem, please...  

And if this is pornography I could show you Vita games that would make you instantly faint...

So? Not saying pornography doesn't run rampant in video games, that's not the point of this thread, the point of this thread is calling attention to the untasteful sexual filler in a series that has remained clean of that stuff for 20 years.  Also I'm calling out the new moe artstyle which I absolutely despise for FE.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew


Hard to defend a game that has 12 minutes of cutscenes (for the Nohr story) And the only two cutscenes I've seen where tasteless fanservice.

Also to that guy above me.

This is such a terrible counter-argument used all the time by people who think untasteful fanservice belongs everywhere. Yeah, we people who are not okay with cringe-worthy sexualized anime crap are just puritans who think sex is morally wrong, very obviously! :/

I hate when people who call out tastelss pornography in games and get called puritans ._.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

IkePoR said:
Aeolus451 said:
If you think that people in bathing suits or seeing the side of a boob that's covered is too much, you need to relax. You can go to any beach where there's college kids running around and you'll see a lot more skin than what's in any game. Also, it's a japanese game first and foremost. There's nothing wrong with sexualized characters.

Another person missing the point.  Again, no one is saying that sex doesn't have a time and a place, we're saying that Fire Emblem has, for the most part, been very taseful and creative with character design.  Fates' character design is straight up "how naked can we make these girls?".  

Why does "fan service" have to be characters that are nearly naked or in see-though clothing?  Do fans have such little imagination that they can't look at a reasonablly, sexilly dressed guy or girl and enjoy it?

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

ToraTiger said:
outlawauron said:

Honestly, I find it strange that in the age of feminism that people are mandating for all of the female characters to be covered up or outrage.

Well I'm a Christian and that type of thing does not appeal to me the way it might appeal to the rest of the population. And LoL@ at the guy calling sexualization "art".  You literally just make the characters look more provacative and you get more sales.  Playing on basic male sex drive.  I understand that feminism can get crazy, but I'm honestly sick to death of sexualization in media, even with men, but they seem to do it with females 100X more, which is pretty unfair. 

Ultrashroomz said:
If it means anything to you, NoA will probably censor a good chunk of stuff when the game gets localized.


Thank god they do.  

This could get borderline the M rating in America, like it is in japan. 

Sad to see a series good from the bottom of the rating scale at E, and now it's at M, just for the sake of sexualization. 

I know people who are Christians, and will play this game. They aren't bothered by the oversexualization because they don't try to access it.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


I'm going to ask this, is anybody here a fan of the series, and doesn't mind either "style" of the franchise?
I'm fan of Fire Emblem since PoR I have played all the ones that have gotten a western release and enjoy them all, my favorite being RD on Wii. Yet I still fail to see the problem some of you have with the "tasteless fanservice" of the recent titles, Also with the different artstyle, they are different artists for different games in the series, it's how they draw.