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IkePoR said:
Aeolus451 said:
If you think that people in bathing suits or seeing the side of a boob that's covered is too much, you need to relax. You can go to any beach where there's college kids running around and you'll see a lot more skin than what's in any game. Also, it's a japanese game first and foremost. There's nothing wrong with sexualized characters.

Another person missing the point.  Again, no one is saying that sex doesn't have a time and a place, we're saying that Fire Emblem has, for the most part, been very taseful and creative with character design.  Fates' character design is straight up "how naked can we make these girls?".  

Why does "fan service" have to be characters that are nearly naked or in see-though clothing?  Do fans have such little imagination that they can't look at a reasonablly, sexilly dressed guy or girl and enjoy it?

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.