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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The chance to meet another person in no mans sky

It's weird that you would do all that math without thinking that groups of people will probably be spawning close together, and that we'll be able to warp to popular planets/places. I don't think the dev is going to overlook something like that.

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gergroy said:

You will probably spend just as much time around the space station in each system as on planets.  Trust me, you will run into plenty of players in the wild if you stick around long enough to make it to the center of the universe.

if everything is how they said/how i understand it you wont. how many sytems/space stations are there? I doubt you can imagine the size of a complete galaxy with 18 quadrillion stars.

They said it will take a single player 5 billion years to visit each planet if he visit a different planet every second.

So if 5 billion people will play the game (thats almost the whole world population and very very unrealistic) and everybody would visit each seconds another planet, it would still take 1 year till each planet got visited ONCE. No sleep, no food, no not gaming in the full year for 5 billion people to visit each planet ONE SECOND.


The conclusion i get from this is, that 99,9+% of all planets in no mans sky will NEVER be visited by any humans at all. It will never happen, even with a 50mio people playerbase.

If we have 50 mio player and each player will play the game 100 hours average and visit 10 planets per hour, each player would visit 1000 planets at all. 

That would be planets at all ever visited liftetime.

18,446,744,073,709,551,616 - = ~ 18,446,744,068,709,551,616 planets that will NEVER be visited at all.




Arlo said:
It's weird that you would do all that math without thinking that groups of people will probably be spawning close together, and that we'll be able to warp to popular planets/places. I don't think the dev is going to overlook something like that.

they said everybody will have their own spawnpoint. And what is "close" to you? You wouldnt even meet if would spawn on the same planet.

All people really cant imagine the real sizes of the game. I do understand that, this are some really big numbers most people never heard before and cant handle.


The said nothing about warping to other people though.

JNK said:
Teeqoz said:
They said it will have a dedicated multiplayer mode iirc. But you're forgetting you can warp to planets, so if two players really wanted to meet up they could just warp to the same planet...

well even if its possible to get to the same of the 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets (you cant warp infinity distances so i even doubt it would be practical possible but okay) you wont meet if your just on the same planet.


If you are in new york and im in london it could take years till we both find each other (even with a space ship).The planets will have real sizes.


They need at least a coordinates which are very exact to make this possible. But i doubt a universe that big will have coordinates.

It would be like: 4734746583748573638947384x384748494875854948573848578x8384847589393829848489493938483

Trust me, if you want to be found it'll become much easier to find you on these planets... If me and my friend set out in this game with the goal of meeting up, I'm sure there would be a way to do it without having to randomly go through every planet there is... Sure, it might take some work, but I bet it would be achieavable if you worked a bit, even without spending ages.

Teeqoz said:

Trust me, if you want to be found it'll become much easier to find you on these planets... If me and my friend set out in this game with the goal of meeting up, I'm sure there would be a way to do it without having to randomly go through every planet there is... Sure, it might take some work, but I bet it would be achieavable if you worked a bit, even without spending ages.

only if they gave you and tools to make it. Otherwhise nah. Way to many planets with way to big sizes to make it possible.


Another example.

You will need ~100 hours to read the center of the universe (they said). If you friend would theoereitcally spawned at the other size of the universe (it will be a circle), you would beed 200 hours to at least get there.

Even if he isnt spawne don the other side, 20-30 hours travelling will be realistic.

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What would concern me is the amount of planets and the amount of data that they'll need to store for every creature/record etc.... it just seems impossible.

Cant wait to give it a go

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Madword said:
What would concern me is the amount of planets and the amount of data that they'll need to store for every creature/record etc.... it just seems impossible.

Cant wait to give it a go

it wont be stored. Everything will be generated using alot confusing mathematics^^.

And if you will get anywhere again, it will be genereated exactly the same again (it will use some constants to calculate everything).


So theoretically the universe only exist, as long a player is there.

There are co-op mechanics confirmed so we'll see how that works out.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

JNK said:
Yerm said:
i feel like it needs to be said--- these planets are not Earth-sized. if you ever played Spore and got to the space stage, that is how big the planets will be. at least, thats what it looked like from the game demos I saw.

uhm they said the planets will have realistic planet sizes and you will take weeks-month to pass completly around a planet on foot

Yeah in the 18 minute gameplay sean said that on the planets you can legit walk for hours and hours and hours in one direction

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

That's assuming that every planet and direction you go to is completely random, which it's not.