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gergroy said:

You will probably spend just as much time around the space station in each system as on planets.  Trust me, you will run into plenty of players in the wild if you stick around long enough to make it to the center of the universe.

if everything is how they said/how i understand it you wont. how many sytems/space stations are there? I doubt you can imagine the size of a complete galaxy with 18 quadrillion stars.

They said it will take a single player 5 billion years to visit each planet if he visit a different planet every second.

So if 5 billion people will play the game (thats almost the whole world population and very very unrealistic) and everybody would visit each seconds another planet, it would still take 1 year till each planet got visited ONCE. No sleep, no food, no not gaming in the full year for 5 billion people to visit each planet ONE SECOND.


The conclusion i get from this is, that 99,9+% of all planets in no mans sky will NEVER be visited by any humans at all. It will never happen, even with a 50mio people playerbase.

If we have 50 mio player and each player will play the game 100 hours average and visit 10 planets per hour, each player would visit 1000 planets at all. 

That would be planets at all ever visited liftetime.

18,446,744,073,709,551,616 - = ~ 18,446,744,068,709,551,616 planets that will NEVER be visited at all.


