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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Titania looks beautiful on Star Fox Zero


Titania looks

beautiful 44 34.11%
nice enough 40 31.01%
meh 30 23.26%
terrible 15 11.63%

it looks alot better then the demo level on the green planet


to be honest my respect to nintendo they showed good and bad looking parts of the game. If this would be  a ubisoft or probl most others publishers game. they would just show you places like titania and you would feel sad when you get the finished game. 

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At least Titania seem very good.

oh it's one of those brown shooters

I don't know...:/ I find it impressive that they're rendering the game twice at 60 fps, other than that I'm honestly not very fond of the visuals. It looks a little better that I initially thought, but I wouldn't call it beautiful.
The thing that puts me of the most are those hexagonical loops you have to fly through though...those just give me superman 64 flashbacks. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but this honestly looks dated to me, visuals as well as gameplaywise.

That being said, I never played starfox before, so maybe it's just not for me?

Titania stage is not terrible but also not beautiful.

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That is one ugly game man.

I've changed my mind from buying to on the fence tbh

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

I still don't understand how Corneria looks overly simple and dumb (with random gates everywhere not connected to anything) and looks sh*t graphically.

Titania looks nice.

It looks good enough but to me it just doesn't look fun or interesting. These guys just blast through the levels without getting hit. Starfox 64 threw way more enemies at you. The space level looked a bit empty. It's classic Miyamoto: Just show the "gameplay mechanics", never mind the game being a challenge.

Funny thing, ReviewTechUsa thinks that "The game looks beautifull, is almost too good loocking to be on the WiiU"

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