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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 40% of PS4 owners didn't own a PS3!

So that's why it doesn't need BC.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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"I'm not bothered by people who complain when we talk about remasters. There are always those people on the internet."

You go, girl. That's awesome because it's exactly the truth.

zumnupy10 said:

I'm not bothered by people who complain when we talk about remasters. There are always those people on the internet."

That's Why I love Yoshida.   He always sends the right messanges.

The minority always has the strongest voice. Shu knows what's up.

kurasakiichimaru said:

The sad/funny part here is PS4's non-PS3 owner population is almost as big as Wii U's whole install base.



"I'm not bothered by people who complain when we talk about remasters. There are always those people on the internet."

So true. That Uncharted Collection is still in the amazon top 100 I believe.

Well those extra sales had to come from somewhere. I wonder how many owned PS2s. PS4 is pacing so far ahead of PS3 it's ridiculous so I figured there were a lot of ship jumpers. After this E3 that will only continue and with all those marketing deals this

I am Iron Man

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Not surprising. Wii's successor flopped and was unpopular, and the 360's successor had a terrible unveiling. The PS4 has mainly benefited from the mistakes of their competitors and is now attracting both the hardcore gamers and the casuals.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

d21lewis said:
They would really benefit from backwards compatibility! They missed a lot of good games on PS3!

Why? Most of the best games are getting a remaster! lol

d21lewis said:
They would really benefit from backwards compatibility! They missed a lot of good games on PS3!

Nah, nobody buys a new console to play old games.

Which explains why you can play hundreds on old Playstation games on their platforms...

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Mr Puggsly said:
d21lewis said:
They would really benefit from backwards compatibility! They missed a lot of good games on PS3!

Nah, nobody buys a new console to play old games.

Which explains why you can play hundreds on old Playstation games on their platforms...

Backwards compatibility didn't really help PS3 in the early days and there wasn't some big drop off in sales when they got rid of it. The lower price of dropping it increased sales. People don't use BC as much as they think they would, the only time it's relevant is at launch.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Wow 40% is insane, if its true.
That just shows the PS4 Dominance even more or when Price Cut will come, damn Holy Shit and also with E3, the Cod Announcment, Horizon Dawn, Uncharted, The Last Guardian, damn Xbox is really dead.

I was damn sure Xbox would get the Codrights, i really think more People bought or own a Xbox because of that than some People might think.