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Forums - Sony Discussion - GOW:COO Bombs + PSP Sales DECREASE----WTF?

GoW to me is a console game, not a hand held game.

And you speak of this like it's hurting the PSP... I'd kill for a portable system to sell as many units against the DS.

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Review before posting:

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It didn't bombed. It sold pretty well. Anyways, the game is good, but it doesn't deserve the scores it's getting.

These are pretty much the numbers I was expecting the game to do during its first week. Despite being pretty popular amongst gamers, God of War isn't a series that sells extremely well, and this is the first part that isn't benefiting from the PS2's humongous install base.

Not sure why hardware is down, but it's doing pretty well anyway. =/

People who claim that the PSP is bombing don't realize what an insane phenomenon the DS is. The PSP has actually done quite well for itself.

I'm going to throw out a theory, maybe people are waiting for a PS2 port. This has happened with numerous games so far and has been steadily increasing lately with the release of Twisted Metal Head On and Ratchet size matters. I can understand the double your profits mentality of this but i think in the long run it hurts the PSP release because most fans wait for the version they can play at home on their much larger Tv screen.

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GOW: CoO have a great first week, but I expected more.

Ready at Dawn has stated that there will not be a PS2 port. Their previous PSP title, Daxter, has not seen a PS2 port either.

Fuck it. Everyone with a PSP should go buy the game. But that isn't going to happen, because 80% of gamers don't know a good game if it snuck up behind them and kicked them in the asshole.

Just kiss the tip.

it's because of the piracy - u can get almost any PSP game online - just download it on some sites and it's free - who can refuse that?

leo-j said:
darthdevidem01 said:
@El duderino

that excuse no longer stand

THIs game was meant to be a system seller....that it obviously wasn't

now what does the PSP have left to resurrect in....FF7:CC....hope that does well

Having over 200k of illegal downloads, I believe it does count

Only if you know little about how piracy actually tends to work. Of those 200K who downloaded it... many likely wouldn't of even owned a PSP if it wasn't for piracy, and others wouldn't of bought the game, and still a third group would not have bought the game full price and would buy the game used.

The number of that 200K that would of actually bought the game is likely VERY low.  

Then when you add in how many people would of bought it first week vs whenever they got around to it, or whenever they found a deal... it's not going to effect numbers that much at all.

Seems like it sold fine to me though.