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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who won the E3? THE VGCHARTZ-VOTE Thread - You decide!


Who won the E3 ? @ All VGChartz User

The PlayStation 4 (Sony) 1,279 68.03%
The Xbox1 (MS) 279 14.84%
nintendo digital event 105 5.59%
see results 217 11.54%

People who play video games. :) Although, Nintendo's fanbase would have everyone thinking otherwise. :p

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Madword said:
sales2099 said:
Hynad said:

But E3 isn't just about what happens in the next month. That excuse to downplay any conference is laughable at best to me.

And you calling out the bias is doubly laughable, to put it gently. We all know who you are here.

Here, I will add to the Sony part your wrote, which your bias made sure to leave a lot out:

The Last Guardian, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Dreams, Firewatch, World of Final Fantasy, Shenmue 3, No Man's Sky, Morpheus and RIGS, Uncharted 4.

While MS had a very good show this year, no reasonable gamer is saying otherwise, the magnitude simply wasn't of the scale of Sony's. Sure enough, Sony has Square-Enix to thank for part of that. But Sony is responsible for Shenmue 3, since they've confirmed they've been in talk with Yu Suzuki to bring it back and now it's happeneing. While most of those games won't come in the close future, Sony did a great job in reassuring people that the PS4 will deliver big time. And besides, a lot of that content is set to come out in early 2016, which isn't that far away. So again, the argument that E3 should only be about the games that release for the holiday of the same year is nonsensical. 

I left out things from MS too. My point was MS was grounded in the now and future, giving a mix of remasters, old games, big IPs, new IPs, and indie support. And BC offcourse with a promising tech demo at the end.  Where as Sony banked on emotions of hype and future potential.

I mean, my biggest things is FF& and TLG. One is timed exclusive, no more a "win" then Tomb Raider is. Its awesome that it exists, but since its timed exclusive it isn't a big thing from a console war perspective. And as for TLG, it is literally repacking a 2009 game for 2015 saying "yes, it still exists". Great for those hopeful fans, but saying a game isn't cancelled shouldn't be considered a mega announcement in principle.

Make a list of everything that both had in their conference... that would be more accurate then, at least people cant claim bias if the whole list is detailed.

Ah too slow the person above me already did it :)

Lists don't do anything. They lack context because not every point is the same as another. This ain't communism pal ;)

Seems Sony's list is being simplified to FF7, TLG, and Shenmue 3.

I am saying that FF7 is coming to Xbox One eventually, saying a near cancelled game, is in fact, not cancelled, shouldn't count as a big announcement. And Shenmue 3 is great and all, but you have to wait 3 years to play it.....kinda premature IMO.

Thats my point, while MS did an all around job of remakes, old games, BC, heavy hitter IPs, new Ip,s indies, while not neglecting 2015.

We ain't getting any younger ;)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


BreedinBull said:
Roronaa_chan said:
MS won.

E3 isn't about what's upcoming. It's about what already came.

Sony should've saved the Suikoden PS1 classics announcement for E3 instead of PSX, better megaton than what they had this week.

I don't even know where to...did you...I'm sorry, what?

Time travel my friend, time travel!!!!!

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

kitler53 said:
sales2099 said:

THANK YOU! Feel like Im the only guy here who saw things without Nostalgia goggles.

Sony left 2015 in the dust, and FF& is only timed exclusive, with Last Guardian still existing qualifying for a "megaton".

MS hit all the right notes with nostalgia, tech demos, established IPs, new IPs, and keeping 2015 a big year for games. And still they can't beat really know the ratio of console war fans on the internet at times like this.

a line that is a load of hogwash.


in the first 6 months of 2015 sony has released: the order, bloodborne, mlb 15,  nom nom galaxy, helldivers, counterspy

in the first 6 months of 2015 ms has released: ori, scream ride


In the last 6 months of in 2015 sony has: until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, persona 5, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam

In the last 6 months of in 2015 ms has: halo 5, forza 6, gears remaster, fable, tomb raider, cuphead, gigantic, below

bold: console exclusive

Italics: timed exclusvie.


let the downplaying of the non-holiday 3/4 of the year commence...  let the conviluted explination of why sony's console exclusives are not really exclusive while xbox's console exclusives are exclusive continue...  let the ignoring of game you don't like as if the games don't actually exist start...


I was going to bold everything but then it would have screwed up your formatting but this this and so much this, like sheesh, but alas the argument will rage on.

Thanks jlmurph!

Guys, the winner of E3 is completely subjective. If you think a certain party won E3 then great, all power to you. However let's avoid making sweeping generalizations about the other parties such as calling them biased and at the same time let's avoid lynching people for not following the mainstream opinion.

Around the Network
BreedinBull said:
Roronaa_chan said:
MS won.

E3 isn't about what's upcoming. It's about what already came.

Sony should've saved the Suikoden PS1 classics announcement for E3 instead of PSX, better megaton than what they had this week.

I don't even know where to...did you...I'm sorry, what?

That one made me laugh. Great reaction. xD

You don't know Roronaa yet, do you? 

kitler53 said:
sales2099 said:

THANK YOU! Feel like Im the only guy here who saw things without Nostalgia goggles.

Sony left 2015 in the dust, and FF& is only timed exclusive, with Last Guardian still existing qualifying for a "megaton".

MS hit all the right notes with nostalgia, tech demos, established IPs, new IPs, and keeping 2015 a big year for games. And still they can't beat really know the ratio of console war fans on the internet at times like this.

a line that is a load of hogwash.


in the first 6 months of 2015 sony has released: the order, bloodborne, mlb 15,  nom nom galaxy, helldivers, counterspy

in the first 6 months of 2015 ms has released: ori, scream ride


In the last 6 months of in 2015 sony has: until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, persona 5, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam

In the last 6 months of in 2015 ms has: halo 5, forza 6, gears remaster, fable, tomb raider, cuphead, gigantic, below

bold: console exclusive

Italics: timed exclusvie.


let the downplaying of the non-holiday 3/4 of the year commence...  let the conviluted explination of why sony's console exclusives are not really exclusive while xbox's console exclusives are exclusive continue...  let the ignoring of game you don't like as if the games don't actually exist start...

Not all games matter or will be noticed like the other. I can simplify Sonys list to Bloodborne, GOW/Uncharted Collection. Until Dawn is a wildcard and No Man's this confirmed 2015? The Xbox list have more AAA games. For a studio with less 1st party studios, this is quite something.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


BreedinBull said:
Roronaa_chan said:
MS won.

E3 isn't about what's upcoming. It's about what already came.

Sony should've saved the Suikoden PS1 classics announcement for E3 instead of PSX, better megaton than what they had this week.

I don't even know where to...did you...I'm sorry, what?

Hynad said:
sales2099 said:

I left out things from MS too. My point was MS was grounded in the now and future, giving a mix of remasters, old games, big IPs, new IPs, and indie support. And BC offcourse with a promising tech demo at the end.  Where as Sony banked on emotions of hype and future potential.

I mean, my biggest things is FF& and TLG. One is timed exclusive, no more a "win" then Tomb Raider is. Its awesome that it exists, but since its timed exclusive it isn't a big thing from a console war perspective. And as for TLG, it is literally repacking a 2009 game for 2015 saying "yes, it still exists". Great for those hopeful fans, but saying a game isn't cancelled shouldn't be considered a mega announcement in principle.

I thought the MS show was really good. The Rare Collection is really sweet and brought a lot of great memories back, making me wish I already had a XBO right now. Tomb Raider looked much better than I expected it would. That's near CGI quality graphics there, and it looked about as good as any Sony first party games. And the new IP from Rare looked equally intriguing and I loved the style of it. But other than that, I felt the conference played it rather safe, with games we already knew about (same thing that happened for you with The Last Guardian, I assume). While Halo 5's single player looks incredibly good, we all know it's coming already. Forza 6? Meh for me. It looks fine but I'm a GT guy. New controller is awesome though. I still prefer controllers with symetrical analog sticks, but there's no denying the epic sheer amount of customization options. Other console and peripheral makers should take a cue from MS on that one. Hololens simply isn't my thing. It's nice, but I simply don't see much appeal from a pure gaming perspective. But I suspect trying it out would change my mind about it. Just like VR. Am I forgetting anything?

I'm not trying to downplay anything here. As far as I'm concerned, only Nintendo under-delivered (big time), all the other conferences I watched were really exciting (except for the very long sports segment from EA...). But as I said, Final Fantasy VII and Shenmue 3 have been at the top of my wishlist for over a decade, so having them announced at a conference makes that conference win by default. It's as simple as that for me. 

It's not a matter of console war. It's a matter of what games I want more. Be them third, second, or first party. Sony brought all this on their stage, and in the end, I was left with a better impression about gaming's future by watching their conference than any of the other. And to me, this is what E3 is all about.

Ok, I can appreciate that. Thank you for the nice tone :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
Hynad said:
sales2099 said:

I left out things from MS too. My point was MS was grounded in the now and future, giving a mix of remasters, old games, big IPs, new IPs, and indie support. And BC offcourse with a promising tech demo at the end.  Where as Sony banked on emotions of hype and future potential.

I mean, my biggest things is FF& and TLG. One is timed exclusive, no more a "win" then Tomb Raider is. Its awesome that it exists, but since its timed exclusive it isn't a big thing from a console war perspective. And as for TLG, it is literally repacking a 2009 game for 2015 saying "yes, it still exists". Great for those hopeful fans, but saying a game isn't cancelled shouldn't be considered a mega announcement in principle.

I thought the MS show was really good. The Rare Collection is really sweet and brought a lot of great memories back, making me wish I already had a XBO right now. Tomb Raider looked much better than I expected it would. That's near CGI quality graphics there, and it looked about as good as any Sony first party games. And the new IP from Rare looked equally intriguing and I loved the style of it. But other than that, I felt the conference played it rather safe, with games we already knew about (same thing that happened for you with The Last Guardian, I assume). While Halo 5's single player looks incredibly good, we all know it's coming already. Forza 6? Meh for me. It looks fine but I'm a GT guy. New controller is awesome though. I still prefer controllers with symetrical analog sticks, but there's no denying the epic sheer amount of customization options. Other console and peripheral makers should take a cue from MS on that one. Hololens simply isn't my thing. It's nice, but I simply don't see much appeal from a pure gaming perspective. But I suspect trying it out would change my mind about it. Just like VR. Am I forgetting anything?

I'm not trying to downplay anything here. As far as I'm concerned, only Nintendo under-delivered (big time), all the other conferences I watched were really exciting (except for the very long sports segment from EA...). But as I said, Final Fantasy VII and Shenmue 3 have been at the top of my wishlist for over a decade, so having them announced at a conference makes that conference win by default. It's as simple as that for me. 

It's not a matter of console war. It's a matter of what games I want more. Be them third, second, or first party. Sony brought all this on their stage, and in the end, I was left with a better impression about gaming's future by watching their conference than any of the other. And to me, this is what E3 is all about.

Ok, I can appreciate that. Thank you for the nice tone :)

Sorry for my first response to you. But now that you see where I am coming from, you understand why I don't appreciate that kind of generalization. ^_-