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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF VII Remake : It could only be on PS4 and PC, situation similar to SF V

Soundwave said:

I think they would've said that at the show if it was the case or just said "console exclusive to PS4". Easy enough. The fact that they didn't makes you go hmm. 

The other left field possibility is perhaps Square-Enix knows about the NX platform and would likely to leave open the possibility of it coming out there.

Lets face it this game probably won't be ready until well into 2017, by which time NX will probably be out.

SFV probably also is 1/10th the budget of a FF7 Remake, so it's likely a lot more complicated than the SFV situation was. 

No because it was not console exclusive since the PC version will be released later, there will only be a PS4 version first, then a PC version.

IT's just like FF X, Xbox One didnt get it whereas it would have been an easy port. All these FF associated to PS2 stayed on PS consoles for now

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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We have to understand too this might be one of the most expensive games ever made. Leaving it just on the PS4/PC may not sit well with shareholders.

Even if the bulk of sales are on the PS4, I'd say between XB1 and potentially an NX platform, Square-Enix could get an extra 2-3 million in sales, so I can see why they wouldn't just want to flush that down the toilet.

If the NX is a portable for example which has a Tegra X1 level processor, it's not impossible a port there would be doable, and that could honestly be the top selling version in Japan. So I can see why Square-Enix wouldn't neccessarily want to throw that away. 

Maybe... but we can almost be certain that it's going to be a PS4 exclusive in Japan which boost PS4 sales like crazy.

One more reason for me to not upgrade my WiiU / PC combo ;)

That and Tales of Zestiria, I am quiet happy.

Now please, a PC Persona 5 announcement and I am good for the whole gen... (doubt it though...)

Mystro-Sama said:
Maybe... but we can almost be certain that it's going to be a PS4 exclusive in Japan which boost PS4 sales like crazy.

I actually don't think Square-Enix is eying MS so much as they might be eying Nintendo. If NX can run the game, especially as a portable, that could be a lot of extra sales for Square-Enix, perhaps even outselling the PS4 version in Japan since Japan is so portable crazed. 

Not saying that's going to happen, but just illustrating a possibility. 

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Soundwave said:
We have to understand too this might be one of the most expensive games ever made. Leaving it just on the PS4/PC may not sit well with shareholders.

Even if the bulk of sales are on the PS4, I'd say between XB1 and potentially an NX platform, Square-Enix could get an extra 2-3 million in sales, so I can see why they wouldn't just want to flush that down the toilet.

This is at the contrary exactly the reason why it would be"console exclusive" , because Square couldnt handle such expensive game alone, they needed a strong partnership, and it could only be Sony since japanese game + old PS2 game, just like SF V with Capcom who needed money to fund their game.


Square made understand many times that they couldnt handle such remake on their own, it would be too expensive. It is logicial that sony offered to help them in exchange of the total console exclusivity

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Aerys said:
Soundwave said:
We have to understand too this might be one of the most expensive games ever made. Leaving it just on the PS4/PC may not sit well with shareholders.

Even if the bulk of sales are on the PS4, I'd say between XB1 and potentially an NX platform, Square-Enix could get an extra 2-3 million in sales, so I can see why they wouldn't just want to flush that down the toilet.

This is at the contrary exactly the reason why it would be"console exclusive" , because Square couldnt handle such expensive game alone, they needed a strong partnership, and it could only be Sony since japanese game + old PS2 game, just like SF V with Capcom who needed money to fund their game.


Square made understand many times that they couldnt handle such remake on their own, it would be too expensive. It is logicial that sony offered to help them in exchange of the total console exclusivity

Yeah but the logical conclusion in that case would be that Sony would simply just say "Playstation 4 and PC exclusive". I mean why not? That certainly sounds better than "on PS4 first". 

I'm starting to think NX might be in play for this as well. 

FF Type 0 sales make that even more logical : 5 times better on PS4, it would be the same with FF VII and it will be the same with FFXV, with current install base of each console

They surely understood that the small extra they would get with a One version would cost much more than refusing a sony partnership to fund the game

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Soundwave said:
Aerys said:

This is at the contrary exactly the reason why it would be"console exclusive" , because Square couldnt handle such expensive game alone, they needed a strong partnership, and it could only be Sony since japanese game + old PS2 game, just like SF V with Capcom who needed money to fund their game.


Square made understand many times that they couldnt handle such remake on their own, it would be too expensive. It is logicial that sony offered to help them in exchange of the total console exclusivity

Yeah but the logical conclusion in that case would be that Sony would simply just say "Playstation 4 and PC exclusive". I mean why not? That certainly sounds better than "on PS4 first". 

I'm starting to think NX might be in play for this as well. 

No they wouldnt since they made a deal where they are allowed to release it first on PS4,  its for a reason, so why talk about the PC version now ? They make it blurry by saying " first on PS4 " , it sounds more like an exclusive than " exclusively on PC and PS4 " ( they made that for  SFV because the game is made to be cross platform)

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


given type 0 sales on x1, and how bad is ff duscae on xbox one, i think SE is not willing to spend much on rpg games for x1. also when you port a gem late on pc you can at least upgrade graphics, but on xbox u can at best make it look the same, making the game even less appealing for xbox gamers.

I can't see ff vii coming on x1!