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kyokusanagi said:
I think I'm the minority but for me I'll get xbox no matter if they bring a new one every 3 years I'll always buy it money is not the problem for me :)

I don't care if they bring the games to pc either so I'm good.

You are not the only one who thinks this way. There should be more people like you in this site :)

Proud to be a Californian.

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shikamaru317 said:
Soundwave said:

I think that estimate on the GPU is pretty high especially when you're speccing it with the RAM as separate.

$299.99 at retail for a Polaris 10, likely means a $200 manufacturing cost today, factor in another 16 months from now, and that's probably doable for MS at $130.

Keep in mind MS is not some kid at a Best Buy buying 1 Polaris 10, they are ordering in bulk in the millions for a multiple years, they will get a much better price.

I'd say $130 for the GPU part alone + $50 for the RAM + $60 for the CPU + $40 for the HDD + $15 for the controller + $20 for the PSU + $80 for misc components (casing, heatsink, disc drive, motherboard). 

You have a point. XB1's  APU (CPU + GPU) only cost $110 while PS4's only cost $100. Memory for XB1 was $60 while PS4 was $88. A custom Polaris 10 and Zen APU will likely cost more than the XB1 and PS4 APU's did because Polaris and Zen are newer tech than was used in the XB1 and PS4 APU's at the time, but it might not be significantly more. Memory could potentially cost less than it did for XB1 and PS4, back in 2013 memory prices were really high, they've gone down some since then, so even if XB1 II has more RAM than PS4/XB1 it could still cost less. We could potentially see XB1 II for $400 at release. I hope so, that would be a great price point for those specs. $450 is the highest they should go, even if they have to sell at a small loss to hit $450.

To be honest the PS4/XB1 GPUs weren't even that old when they launched. 

The 7850-7870 which is basically the GPU for the PS4 was released in middle 2012. The 7870 cost $350 at launch. 

The Polaris 10 is launching this year, if the XB2 launches next fall ... that would be basically almost the exact same time line as the PS4/XB1 GPUs. The Polaris 10 will supposedly cost $300 at launch. 

A 2016 Polaris 10 customized for the XB2 for fall 2017 is pretty much right in line with the PS4/XB1 using mid-2012 GPU tech. 

darkenergy said:
kyokusanagi said:
I think I'm the minority but for me I'll get xbox no matter if they bring a new one every 3 years I'll always buy it money is not the problem for me :)

I don't care if they bring the games to pc either so I'm good.

You are not the only one who thinks this way. There should be more people like you in this site :)

That's nice to know :)

Xbox live: kyokusanagiii    Watching: Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1)

I don't know what to make of this Scorpio xb1.5 thing. I was under the impression that ms would ride out the X1 till 2017 or 2018 and launch a upgradable console. Now it seams like if that is going to happen it won't be till 2020 or 2021. I'm worried that when the 1.5 launches its just going to have 1080p/60fps versions of games while the standard will have 720p/30fps. And with a price tag that is likely going to be 400 while the slim is probably 200-250 at that point not many people will buy it. Then 2-3 years later when it has sold enough for devs to bring AAA games to it "exclusively" the gen will be over and devs will move onto the next console.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

Not sure I'd buy it day one, but an upgrade that big, if I can still play all my games on it, then ya I'm down.

Around the Network

There were some buzz about Scorpio support for Oculus Rift but no mention of Hololens. Is it powerful enough to have AR as a peripheral? Hmm

And damn, the hype is off the charts for ReCore but barely any love for Crackdown 3?

kyokusanagi said:
darkenergy said:

You are not the only one who thinks this way. There should be more people like you in this site :)

That's nice to know :)

On second thought I should clarified that second sentence: there should be more people like US in this site :)

Proud to be a Californian.

darkenergy said:
kyokusanagi said:

That's nice to know :)

On second thought I should clarified that second sentence: there should be more people like US in this site :)

Well I'm here too 😎

I started gaming with Commondore 64, NES and PC when I was a kid but then got tired and lost interest in Nintendo and PC gaming for years and I couldn't stand Playstation or PS2. Then came the original Xbox and my love for gaming was renewed ❤

Versus_Evil said:

Today on the versus report we look at the top 5 expansion packs.

For me its

1. TES III: Morrowind: Bloodmoon
2. TES IV: Oblivion: Shivering Isle
3. Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
4. Dragon Age Origins: Awakening
5. Fallout NV: Old World Blues

What about you?

Let's see...

1. The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone

2. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea (parts 1&2)

3. Dragon Age: Awakening

4. RDR Undead Nightmare

5. Gears of War 3: RAAM's Shadow

There's plenty of good ones like Fallout NV expansions and I usually play everything if I like the game.