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According to rumors the GWG for june will be Ryse son of rome, lichdom battlemage for Xbox one and Red Dead Redemption and bioshock infinite for xbox 360.

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3 of those 4 games would be incredible GwG games. Therefore I do not believe it.

That would be nice!

Isn't Lichdom Battlemage that game that runs at 10FPS on consoles?

Anyway the rest sounds faaaar to good to be true. Obviously I would gladly take it, as I still don't have Ryse and it's getting harder and harder to find a good price for it.

DeusXmachina said:

According to rumors the GWG for june will be Ryse son of rome, lichdom battlemage for Xbox one and Red Dead Redemption and bioshock infinite for xbox 360.

Yeah its probably fake.


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Natsu said:
darkenergy said:

I think it already has with digital.


Probaly has, but no one on VGC will ever admit it XD 

Yup, people are definitely not admitting it.

Proud to be a Californian.

Anyone played The Park? I just bought it like a pig in a sack. Description says it's only 1-2 hours but it looks intriguing. And it's light here all night in the summer so it's a good time for me to play horror games 😋

darkenergy said:
Natsu said:


Probaly has, but no one on VGC will ever admit it XD 

Yup, people are definitely not admitting it.

Well if since it's exclsuvie to xbox it must suck right? If it was on ps4 or wii u everyone would be talking about how great it is :P Oh well they're missing out we're not XD 

Time to buy a copy of Ori and then proceed to record myself throwing it into a fire.

NobleTeam360 said:
Time to buy a copy of Ori and then proceed to record myself throwing it into a fire.

It'd be only fun to watch if you jump with it in the fire. A lot of people will saddened for the loss of a copy of Ori.