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Ryuu96 said:
Sams said in his latest video they are talking with multiple studios, I'm going to predict 2 studios announced at X019 like last year, one being a Japanese studio, we can probably safely say that a Japanese acquisition is definitely happening at this point (Matt and Phil outright stated they want a Japanese studio).

So From Software and Insomniac are the most likely two then.

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WoodenPints said:
Ryuu96 said:
Sams said in his latest video they are talking with multiple studios, I'm going to predict 2 studios announced at X019 like last year, one being a Japanese studio, we can probably safely say that a Japanese acquisition is definitely happening at this point (Matt and Phil outright stated they want a Japanese studio).

So From Software and Insomniac are the most likely two then.

If that was true, it would send shock waves through the industry like no other.  Cats and Dogs sleeping with each other, magic coming back to earth you name it.

coolbeans said:
DeusXmachina said:

Eh, i liked it just as much as the original.

O_O Oh

But honestly, I did know I would be coming in looking like a total contrarian with this one.  I think the only other metacritic (across all platforms) with a 'red score' was some PC reviewer.  I don't get it but at least you had fun. 

Yeah you're pretty harsh on it.
I definitely liked the first a lot more (8.5/10), the prequel is still good but not that amazing. Somewhere around 7.5/10 IMO.

Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

I heard Slay the Spire is really good, looking forward to it.  Reading the comments on that thread is funny, I guess people believe there will always be triple AAA on gamepass which probably going to disappoint them a lot.  Right now, I am enjoying Battlechasers which is a game I probably would not have bought but is turning out to be very good turn based RPG.

I 100% think there will always be triple A games coming to Game Pass. This is just the announcement for the first half of the month. Plenty more to come.

I agree that LiS Before the Storm review is a bit harsh. Reading it reminded me of a scene from Fight Club where Edward Norton beats the shit out of Jared Leto because he "wanted to destroy something beautiful" lol.

It thought it was pretty good except the rushed final episode. Not as good as the original which also had a bad final episode.

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Ryuu96 said:

With Gamescom this month, you know MS is going to announce a few big AAA titles for Game Pass.

coolbeans said:
Barozi said:

Yeah you're pretty harsh on it.
I definitely liked the first a lot more (8.5/10), the prequel is still good but not that amazing. Somewhere around 7.5/10 IMO.

Ah I see.  To put in perspective for me: I don't quite give LiS Season 1 what you give Before The Storm (S1 floats around a high 6 when after the disappointing finale).  Although, at the same time, I still like to talk about it and feel the heart DONTNOD has put into this series.  It was a lightning-in-a-bottle moment considering how prominent TellTale still were in the mainstream.

Last episode of LiS was disappointing, no doubt. Dragged my score down from a 9 to 8.5.

Finished Call of Duty World War II yesterday.

The game wasn't nearly as brutal as I expected it to be. I didn't even get to see the controversial scene of those "black" farmers hanging in France. Skipped right past that. Some missing limbs here and there but I think the Treyarch games are much more brutal in that regard.
I really liked that you have optional stealth missions and not those forced ones like in previous CoD games. Also the best mission of the game is probably the infiltration mission in Paris, when you play as the French female resistance fighter Rousseau. That's also the level with the most impressive graphics IMO. I saw some improvements over the past CoD games, especially in facial animation where it's now about on par with Battlefield and lighting. Other than that though, it looks good but not amazing.
Story-wise it's your typical WW2 stuff. I just feel like it didn't end properly. You don't even get to hear that the war is over even though that happens just two months after the last mission and epilogue. Also you only get to experience the story from the US perspective so there's naturally missing something.
I liked the way you could interact with your squad by asking for grenades, medikits, air support and enemy spotting, even though you can play the game without any of them (well medikits are quite helpful). Other than that gameplay didn't change at all. There's one tank mission and one plane mission, but you only get to play those for a few minutes. The rest of the mission will be completed on foot.
As for the characters themselves I could remember their names and for some of them also their faces and that's more than I can say about other FPS games where I mostly have no clue which name belongs to which character.
Unfortunately the game is rather short with only 11 missions that can be beaten in around 20-25 minutes each (on standard difficulty). Achievements for the campaign are mostly easy but there's a hard one right at the final mission which I didn't bother to get.

Still, I liked it quite a bit and while it definitely isn't the best CoD and probably not even the best CoD of this gen, it's still a good game.
Final score: 8.5/10

After the update, SOD2 achievements work perfectly.

Ryuu96 said:

Ninja leaves Twitch, now streaming on Mixer exclusively.

I don't watch him, don't watch any Twitch streamers, but that's a pretty huge gain for Mixer, I'm guessing Microsoft paid him off but I heard he wasn't happy with Twitch's moderation recently either (Due to them not banning Allinity), I wonder if more will follow, Twitch needs the competition with how awfully its ran and it'd be nice to see Mixer grow.

He is definitely being snatched up to play Halo. Halo Infinite of course.

And I wonder how much money they offered him.