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The graphics used in that gamepass tweet reminds me of the 360.

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So Microsoft Flight Simulator is the most viewed E3 trailer on the official Xbox YouTube channel with the top 5 below:
Microsoft Flight Simulator - 3m
Halo Infinite - 2.2m
Scarlett Reveal - 2.1m
Forza Horizon LEGO - 1.1m
Age of Empires II - 1m

We know Flight Sim is coming in 2020 but when do people think it launches? I don't think it drops on Xbox One due to the CPU power it would take so that would make it PC + Scarlett and I see a couple of options:

- Launches on PC first and a later port to Scarlett in 2021 say which could mean it releases before next gen on PC around Q2/Q3 2020.
- The other way I see it is Flight Simulator is going to be a day one release for next gen leaving us with 2 first party games launching along side Scarlett. Halo Infinite + Flight Simulator.

If the second option is correct how many first party games do people think launch along side Scarlett and which games/studios do you predict will be there? I think Killer Instinct 2 and Forza Motorsport 8 seem likely candidates but with how Game Pass is going stacking to much more than that at once probably won't happen.

Ryuu96 said:

In an interview with Business Insider, Phil states that the company is focused on one console even though last year he said consoles. He joked that technically Microsoft did launch a new console last year and Scarlett does make two, but anyone who was watching the event and following interviews knows that he was referring to multiple next-gen consoles.

Talking with various people inside and outside of Microsoft, here is my best conclusion as to why the device was removed from the roadmap.

First, developers were having a harder than expected time creating next-generation games that spanned across two systems with various specs. As you might expect, developers were putting a focus on making games that would run well on the lower-end device first and then scaling them up to the higher-speced, Anaconda.

Keep in mind, it’s easier to scale up than it is to scale down. Because of this, next-gen Xbox games would be at performance and visual disadvantage which is not what Microsoft would like to see as it starts to go head-to-head with the next generation PlayStation.

I’m not the only one hearing this, Digital Foundry, speaking with people at E3, have heard this too.

But that may not be the only reasons. The purpose of Lockhart was to make it easier to join the Xbox family with a console that was priced much lower than it’s a bigger brother, Anaconda. With the progress made on xCloud and its ability to bring high quality, low latency gaming to any device, Lockhart started to become more of an obstacle for Microsoft.

Ok, I'm not a developer and I know next to nothing about game development but I just can't get my head around this concept.

I mean, how adding features to an existing game (like, high-quality shadows, lightning, textures, more polygons, raytracing, HDR, etc etc) could be any easier than just disabling them once they are already in place?

coolbeans said:

Obviously should be taken with a grain of salt, but I thought this was an interesting take.  Good rebuttal regarding dev kit comparisons. 

There is a point within this video I was always wondering about when the rumor of the PS5 is stronger than scarlette.  The current Dev kits are not actual silicone but instead just a PC with specs that is usually higher then the actual console but not necessarily a benchmark for either system.  Until actual units with the Chips that will be shipping are sent to developers we really would not know which system is technically stronger.  Also hardware accelerated ray tracing and physics can play a big role in how the 2 systems stack up.  I believe Sony and MS will have hardware accelerated Ray tracing but I believe their implementation will be different and that MS used their own tech while Sony will use some form of AMD tech.  If AMD tech is not ready by holiday next year then Sony could potentially not ship next year which would be very interesting.

dx11332sega said:
I know everybody else is buying anaconda to support sales ? but for me If Xbox one x is still being supported till another anaconda mid upgrade in 9th gen . I'm gonna still use Xbox one X I would still show my support in buying lots of Xbox games I just hope it's true what phil spencer said Xbox one x being forward compatible? If not then i'll gladly upgrade to anaconda ^^.

My One X is still very new (a year maybe, not even?). I won't be upgrading until at least one price cut in I wouldn't think.

That could change if the Anaconda does something extraordinary, but thats hard to imagine unless its at an equally extraordinary price point. I just bought a pretty solid gaming laptop, so the reason to upgrade for me would have to be convenience/games related, not graphics focused (i.e. I like gaming on consoles/TV).

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
dx11332sega said:
I know everybody else is buying anaconda to support sales ? but for me If Xbox one x is still being supported till another anaconda mid upgrade in 9th gen . I'm gonna still use Xbox one X I would still show my support in buying lots of Xbox games I just hope it's true what phil spencer said Xbox one x being forward compatible? If not then i'll gladly upgrade to anaconda ^^.

My One X is still very new (a year maybe, not even?). I won't be upgrading until at least one price cut in I wouldn't think.

That could change if the Anaconda does something extraordinary, but thats hard to imagine unless its at an equally extraordinary price point. I just bought a pretty solid gaming laptop, so the reason to upgrade for me would have to be convenience/games related, not graphics focused (i.e. I like gaming on consoles/TV).

I'm not going to play any upcoming AAA game from now on as they will likely all see a Scarlett port.
So to me it doesn't matter if it's forward compatible or not. As usual I will wait a year or so until it got a price cut and/or a nice bundle (not 1st party bundle though as these games will be available on Game Pass).

Still have tons of X1 games to play. However I might consider it if Scarlett does some BC magic and makes all games run in 4k60FPS lol.

Has anyone been looking at the UK charts lately? Last week Forza Horizon 4 has been in the top 5 of the individual and all format charts. Also other Xbox games like Sea of Thieves and Forza Motorsports 7 are doing well even Forza Horizon 3 is making it on the list.

Proud to be a Californian.

wow took Call of Duty WWII 20 months to get below 15€.
Finally bought it and Spyro Reignited Trilogy for about the same price.

Looks like Activision needs some money lol.

dx11332sega said:
I know everybody else is buying anaconda to support sales ? but for me If Xbox one x is still being supported till another anaconda mid upgrade in 9th gen . I'm gonna still use Xbox one X I would still show my support in buying lots of Xbox games I just hope it's true what phil spencer said Xbox one x being forward compatible? If not then i'll gladly upgrade to anaconda ^^.

I wouldn't buy Scarlett to support sales.. If new games run on X with good performance I'm in no rush to buy a new console again. 

Of course, if Scarlett offers 60fps framerate for Sea of Thieves then I'll pick it up asap. 

If Halo Infinite is Scarlett exclusive, I will have no choice but to buy. No way in God's Green Earth I'm missing a Halo release.