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Ryuu96 said:

jason1637 said:

You should definitely listen to this. A summary:

Sunset Overdrive could not be dead
Quantum Break nearly bankrupted Remedy
MS is investing a lot of money on Mixer (yikes) and Game Pass (god yes)
Streaming is the future of Xbox
Gears and Halo spin offs basically confirmed

Sunset Overdrive could not be dead...or it could be...hate rumours like that It'll be good to see it either way but it might not be Microsoft funding the sequel.

Not surprised about Quantum Break almost bankrupting Remedy, them live action/actors must have cost a lot, I doubt we'll see anything AAA from Remedy for Microsoft for a while but I see people suggesting an episodic Alan Wake which could work.

Mixer/GamePass investment isn't really surprising, or Streaming.

Gears is as good as confirmed by Shinobi, I do have doubt whether 343 is making their spinoff however as they haven't ever done so in the past, the vast majority of their spinoff works were developed by other external studios with a few 343 leads on it.

I reckon Halo spinoff this year and Gears spinoff next year, I really hope this means that Microsoft is pushing both Gears 5 & Halo 6 into next gen, then we'd be looking at next gen's first year being Fable IV, Perfect Dark, Gears of War 5, Halo 6, etc. with the latter two having much more development time on them then needed Tbh, come out big.

I wouldnt be so sure about Fable IV and Perfect Dark being first year. Fable IV probably just went full production this year in studio that is still trying to grow(They had double digit staff at the beginning of the year based on eurogamer and they have shit ton of job offers). Also being big openworld on new studio who is growing and making new genre, I cant see it being before 2022 at the earliest if you ask me, this would give them around 4 years. Last year was probably opening new studio and recruiting some staff to start pre production.

The leaker in resetera made to believe that Perfect Dark is very early in development, if not even in prototype state. Maybe Rare is prototyping while most studio is behind Sea of Thieves at the moment?

Can you show the link where Shinobi hinted Gears? Also maybe Halo spinoff might be just another top down shooter or VR title, because they have to start making VR titles for next gen already.

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Are we sure Rare has 2nd team? When Scalebound was cancelled everyone were talking where new exclusive games are coming and they mentioned Rare. Shinobi answered to them that all studio is behind Sea of Thieves and they only have prototypes like all studios have. Most studios have different prototypes/ideas at all times. Also all I see are comments that whole studio is busy with Sea of Thieves.

hudsoniscool said:
jason1637 said:

Thank you for proving my point. Ms did that last gen launched their biggest game a year before Xbox one. What happened? Xbox one had a slow start.... biggest issue.... lack of must buy exclusives.

The Xbox One sold 3m in its first 2 mmonths. The first few months of 2014 were slow because of the Kinect making the price $500. MS had Titanfall to start off the year and had Halo MCC to end up the year. I think Halo 6 is coming this generation and will be fully bc with the netx xbox in 2020.

Ryuu96 said:
So if PS5 launches late-2019 do you think Microsoft will give them a whole year advantage? I still reckon the next Xbox will still launch in late 2020 regardless but I wouldn't be opposed to them launching earlier, although I don't think the games will be ready.

MS should wait a year, the Next Gen Xbox needs to be stronger than the PS5. Not to mention more time to get their 1st party lineup ready.

Ryuu96 said:

Releasing September 21st.

Cool to see that it isn't timed exclusive.

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Ryuu96 said:

If they are not then I hope that they are locking 3rd party's into 2nd party deals. MS doesn't want another Double Helix situation to happen, especially with Playground and Splash Damage.

I still believe that Playground will be bought eventually.

Ryuu96 said:

Should bare in mind the "AFAIK" I do feel like for the most part Jez only knows what Microsoft doesn't care about him knowing However it wouldn't surprise me, I think Microsoft will just expand their current studios a little more.

Playground Games doesn't want to be bought, same deal with Moon Studios and Undead Labs, they could change their minds but I doubt anytime soon. Splash Damage has only ever really helped on the multiplayer portion of games so it'd be cool if this Gears spinoff gets them on more solo projects for Microsoft.

Playground is practically Microsoft's for another 3 years Got a Horizon contract with Studio #1 and a Fable contract with Studio #2, It would be a waste to buy them right now but they should definitely watch them very closely.

Double Helix situation sucked, sucks even more that Amazon is completely wasting them.

Didn't Respawn say that they didn't want to be bought, but then they went to EA even after they closed down Visceral Games. All i'm saying is that Playground is in charge of not one but two of MS's biggest IP's, they need to be smart.

Ryuu96 said:
EspadaGrim said:

Didn't Respawn say that they didn't want to be bought, but then they went to EA even after they closed down Visceral Games. All i'm saying is that Playground is in charge of not one but two of MS's biggest IP's, they need to be smart.

Was that before or after EA screwed them over with Titanfall 2's release date?

But yeah, things can change...I was surprised by Respawn selling out.

After actually, it makes it even worse. If only MS could have secured Titanfall as a 1st party.

I was thinking of getting the Xbox One X but all this talk about PS5 and Xbox 2 makes me very hesitant...

Ryuu96 said:

We're partnering with the talented team at Larian Studios to bring Divinity: Original Sin 2 to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in August 2018!

One of the best games of this generation!
Excellent news (although expected at this point)

and wow Spyro is not even time exclusive for PS4. great day!