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I agree with the adjustment of the budget. I don't like that they teased us with Battletoads and Conker. Fucking get some ppl to make the games. You see there's interest. You talk about Crimson Skies in a generation with no game like it fucking make the game. There's no tennis game. No boxing game. Make another Fusion Frenzy. Maybe it's more difficult than I think but hardly anything is coming from their 1st party and It can't be this difficult. This is going back to almost 2011.

Another thing and this bothers me just as much. Release dates for games. Why are they set in stone before they've shipped to stores? These idiots originally had Crackdown coming out near Star Wars and Call of Duty. What in the entire F? Why couldn't they hold off on Forza to release with the new system? I would've also packed in a digital code of Quantum Break. Seriously doubt it's making much money at this point. This can only help. Right?

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crissindahouse said:

If MS expects that some games will sell great even though they don't have the fanbase for these game yet, it's their stupidness. You need some years and constant releases of these games to get people interested in that to buy your console.

Somebody who plays on Playstation doesn't buy an Xbox just because of Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break. But some Playstation owners would buy an Xbox if they would see that MS releases good singleplayer games constantly. 

MS releases too few of them, they are on average not good enough and also not really games too many care about. Sunset Overdrive or Quantum Break are simply not Horizon, Crash Bandicoot, TLoU or similar games which millions are interested in. 

And even if they have an advantage for multiplayer games (or at least no disadvantage) they lose even to fans of these games because their console sells much less which means people need a Playstation if they want to play with most of their friends. That's a huge problem for MS, that guy XY simply needs a PS and not an Xbox to play with his friends even if he prefers Xbox. 

That about sums up me really and when I look at the bigger picture I have one friend in real life who plays Xbox and I get to play some Gears with them now and again but even he buys all of his third party games on PS and as he told me why it's because "everyone is on PS" and it's true and it's something Xbox will never be able to fight against this gen. Whilst they have fought hard to fix their image for years after the 2013 E3 reveal and people may now see them in a positive light or at least not in such a negative light the sheer userbase differences it to much to most people. I mean it's a hard buy to choose a Xbox One when 80-90% of your friends are on the PS side of things.

WoodenPints said:
crissindahouse said:

If MS expects that some games will sell great even though they don't have the fanbase for these game yet, it's their stupidness. You need some years and constant releases of these games to get people interested in that to buy your console.

Somebody who plays on Playstation doesn't buy an Xbox just because of Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break. But some Playstation owners would buy an Xbox if they would see that MS releases good singleplayer games constantly. 

MS releases too few of them, they are on average not good enough and also not really games too many care about. Sunset Overdrive or Quantum Break are simply not Horizon, Crash Bandicoot, TLoU or similar games which millions are interested in. 

And even if they have an advantage for multiplayer games (or at least no disadvantage) they lose even to fans of these games because their console sells much less which means people need a Playstation if they want to play with most of their friends. That's a huge problem for MS, that guy XY simply needs a PS and not an Xbox to play with his friends even if he prefers Xbox. 

That about sums up me really and when I look at the bigger picture I have one friend in real life who plays Xbox and I get to play some Gears with them now and again but even he buys all of his third party games on PS and as he told me why it's because "everyone is on PS" and it's true and it's something Xbox will never be able to fight against this gen. Whilst they have fought hard to fix their image for years after the 2013 E3 reveal and people may now see them in a positive light or at least not in such a negative light the sheer userbase differences it to much to most people. I mean it's a hard buy to choose a Xbox One when 80-90% of your friends are on the PS side of things.

Yeah, it's a pretty obvious problem. If at school, university, work or whatever - when you hear everyone talking about how they play with/against each other online and you are like "well, I have also a console but I can't be part of the fun" or "but I want an Xbox, nobody to play with when I buy one?" then it's pretty clear what most will choose.

You know it is kind of funny or sad, we were discussing this in 14/15 already remember the Japanese gamer in this thread? or how Maxim was trying so hard to defend phil spencer and saying it will be all different.

Anyway some game news in a few hours.

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, Phil has definitely had ample time to change things now, I believe it has now been 3 and a half years since he took over Xbox, and yet the situations is no better now game wise than it was then. Sure there have been some improvements under him; hardware, UI, BC, etc, but on the gaming front, the most important front, it's just as bad now as it was in 2013. This past E3 we got just two singleplayer exclusive announcements (Ori 2 and Super Lucky) and including Crackdown 3 that makes just 3 singleplayer games announced for the next 2 year period currently. Meanwhile Sony has Detroit, Spiderman, TLOU 2, GoW 4, Days Gone, Ghosts of Tsushima and possibly Death Stranding releasing in that same 2 year period singleplayer wise (and that's not even including the JP singleplayer exclusives they'll have from 3rd parties), while Nintendo most likely has Yoshi, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and Metroid releasing in that same 2 year period.

To be fair, Phil said no new announcement where he isn't sure the game will release the next 12 months after the announcement (at least I believe he said that) so that there could be games releasing at the same time as something like Ghosts of Tsushima. 

Let's just hope he didn't lie when he said he first wanted to fix hardware at Xbox before he invests more energy/time in software. 

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Lol Microsoft is fooling us with the PUBG stream. Fucked up sound and then still "soon"...

I'd be surprised if they don't have any AAA games planned now that they'll be releasing a powerful console. I'd prefer games with both single-player and multiplayer focus because I like to spend time playing with other people and right now I'm drowning in sp games. I'm currently working through South Park and Bioshock 2 and I haven't even bought Shadow of War, Assassin's Creed and that Dishonored expansion. And then there's MA:A waiting in EA Access vault..

The problem with MS single player games though is that unfortunately it seems that right now they don' t have enough talent to make a 90+ scored hit games everyone wants to play. All their SP games are a little bit better than average. And these games are not console sellers either. I don't remember anyone talking "Wow. This game looks so great, I want to buy Xbox to play it." While it is the common practice when it comes to Sony and Nintendo. MS really needs to step up their SP games in terms of quality before wondering why they doesn't sell well.


MS should be embarrassed about their software production, it's insane that they only have 4 game studios (Lift London & Mojang don't count) 3 who are locked into a single IP for Life, and honestly i have zero confidence in Sea of Thieves becoming successful it looks like a very expensive game. I know that Rare is working on some other games but i don't think that they will survive for us to even see those projects and if we do they probably won't even be AAA.

PUBG is coming to Xbox One on December 12th. Will have a retail release and HDR and vaulting will be at launch. Game will be $30.