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Xbox's last hope...

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Xbox have just... one zombie game. State of Decay sold more on Xbox360, which half a year after release was a million sold before going to Steam. Then SOD:YOSE was released in 2015 and it's still popular on X1.

Crackdown can tap on GTA userbase if done right. From the Gamescom 2016 images, it seems like they refined the shooting mechanics to be fast paced and have responsive platforming controls. Crackdown within shorter time sold more than SOD and built a considerable following. Let's see what comes out of E3.
My 2 most anticipated games. has 12 month Xbox Live for 42.99 and 12 month plus 3 extra for 50

Hope Microsoft decides to have a Gamescon show this year.

AsGryffynn said:
Xbox's last hope...

It would be great if Xbox and Bethesda announced a multi-year partnership during E3 and those new IPs Bethesda is working on (along with the next Fallout and Skyrim) get advertising right with Xbox.

Goatseye said:
Xbox have just... one zombie game. State of Decay sold more on Xbox360, which half a year after release was a million sold before going to Steam. Then SOD:YOSE was released in 2015 and it's still popular on X1.

Crackdown can tap on GTA userbase if done right. From the Gamescom 2016 images, it seems like they refined the shooting mechanics to be fast paced and have responsive platforming controls. Crackdown within shorter time sold more than SOD and built a considerable following. Let's see what comes out of E3.
My 2 most anticipated games.

SOD2 and Crackdown 3 are also my most anticipated games.

Proud to be a Californian.

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Microsoft's approach this gen is just too safe. They're acting like they're still shell shocked from the original X1 backlash, and refuse to take any more risks right now. They're constantly trying to rev up old IPs they have the rights to, as if those games were some kind of massive success, justifying blockbuster franchise status. Phantom Dust? Nobody cares. Crackdown? People only bought that game because they wanted to play a Halo 3 beta. Phil keeps talking about "oh I really wanna do all these things with these great IP we own".......BS. You want a hit that doesn't require years of passion and pre-production just coming up with what exactly it's going to be, because you don't wanna waste your time in case it doesn't strike gold. In other words, you're presuming a worst case scenario, and you're gun shy as a result. Much easier to just reach into a bag of names you already own and then throw it at whatever dev can be bothered to crank it out.

If they wanna impress me at me something new. Show me something I haven't seen before. Show me something that actually looks like it was born of creativity, by some people that aren't making a game just for the sake of hopefully selling enough copies to warrant the budget. Show me something that makes me say WOW, I can't believe they did THAT!

Where is your genre defining game MS? Xbox had Halo. 360 had Gears. What does X1 have? A bunch of failed revivals, and continuations trying to just check as many boxes as possible (some doing so very well, others not so much). As of right now, your gen defining moment is still the reveal backlash. Playing it safe for the whole rest of the console cycle isn't going to win people over. I mean stabilized the fucking ship, but it's still not as shiny, nor has as many decks full of entertainment as the one from your rivals.

Phil kept saying he wants to win the gen, even after the disaster that was their launch. Well then god damn it play to fucking win asshole. Greenlight something that isn't a total cop out

Either, Xbox division is too scared of Microsoft or they have ingrained too much of their corporate mentality. I think it might be both unfortunately.
Anyway, I think Crackdown 3 and State of Decay 2 have the potential to be a blast.

I do hope Microsoft would develop couple of huge AAA projects with strong single-player campaign but also heavy multiplayer focus. There's plenty of sp multiplats to play and I'm afraid without mp focus their games would bomb like Quantum Break did. And that was a game made with passion and vision 😐

I don't see any old Rare IPs doing much either anymore. They should come up with something new. 1st, 2nd or 3rd party I don't care.

Sea of Thieves seems to be another ambitious project with passion. And people are already expecting it to fail 😋 MS ain't in a same position as Sony who can publish a piece of turd like NMS and sell millions of copies.

shikamaru317 said:

Angelus said:


What's really annoying about MS using their existing IP's this gen instead of big new AAA IP, is that the existing IP's they're using are relatively niche. They're sitting on a bunch of Rare IP's that were big sellers in the past and not doing anything with them. A Perfect Dark reboot similar to the Tomb Raider reboot would sell like hotcakes I'm sure, as would Banjo 3. 

I agree with you that MS is way too risk averse this gen. Seems like they keep trying to take the easy way out this gen, greenlighting cheaper, safer singleplayer games and microtransaction heavy multiplayer games, as opposed to huge AAA projects like Sony has been doing with games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone. 

Even worse is that they refuse to build up their 1st party. They have half the 1st party studios as Sony and Nintendo, and yet we haven't seen a single new 1st party studio this gen (Decisive was reportedly closed before they ever finished their RTS game). Instead they've been relying on 2nd party exclusives which has caused all kinds of issues (Phantom Dust/Scalebound are prime examples). 

I hate to say it, but this E3 is looking like Microsoft's last chance with me. If they don't deliver this year, I doubt I'll get Scorpio and will just play what few exclusives MS has that do interest me on PC in the future, moving to PS4 for multiplats. 

While I agree they have better IP to choose from than the ones they've decided on so far, I'm not nearly as convinced as you that even those that used to be big names would really receive such a warm welcome from todays market. Sure, there would be a portion of the "hardcore" gaming audience who loved those games that would stand up and cheer, but the larger audience would likely shrug at the revival of something like Banjo. Perfect Dark is a bit easier to sell, that could probably do quite nice if done right, but even then it's portential success would have very little to do with it's namesake in my opinion. Most won't know or care that Perfect Dark was a relevant thing once.

I honestly think that Fable is the only inactive IP MS has that's worth any meaningful amount of sales just off name alone. Everything else simply will come down to how good it is, and how sexy the marketing is.

jason1637 said:
Hope Microsoft decides to have a Gamescon show this year.

Depends on how many games they have to show.