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Forums - Politics Discussion - Are You Pro Or Anti-Abortion?

DonFerrari said:
eva01beserk said:

Its not me deciding, science has decided that after a certain time it is life. In some parts the goverment has also decided that is also not a life. Again this is where people keep saying that choice comes in. Not forcing anybody to belive like I am, but people like you are trying to force your belive on others.

Science or government definition doesn't mean proof, just definition.

Which view have I forced? That people should be able to decide what to do, a rigid control must be existent so abuses are prevented and both parents must have equal rights (unless it is rape)... how horrible of me right?

Will you allow me to believe a murder is a murder even if it's one I don't think should be prosecuted, punished or humiliating the parents? Or that is too much to ask?

Just definition? A definition that enforces a law wich you have to avide to or go to jail.

I might have goten the wrong idea, but seing how you speak, makes me belibe you are pro-life and not pro-choice.

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I'm 100% pro-choice.

I'm saying this as someone whose mother wanted to abort him and his father didn't let her. They were having financial difficulties and couldn't afford bringing another child to this world. Thankfully things worked out for them in the end.

Out of curiosity, how many of you say I'm 30 years and 9months old? We don't count those 9 (or 8,7,6) months as parts of our life for a reason. The way I see it, up to the day you're born, you're not really a human being, but a part of someone else's body. If the mother wants to get rid of that part of her for whatever reason, she should be given the choice to do so. I'd much rather not be born at all than have a mother that doesn't want me (e.g. the woman who aborted her fetus for being male).

It's also very interesting that the vast majority of people on this forum are male and express this opinion. I think that had they been women, they'd feel differently, especially if they had female friends who explained to them just how much their life changes after they get pregnant and go through with it.

the-pi-guy said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
I'd love to see the pro life gentleman destroy their body for 9 months for a child they don't want, go through 20 hours of extreme pain to just give it away because it's immoral to terminate a small collection of cells.

Small is relative.  

Relatively speaking, you are a small collection of cells.  Does that make it moral?  

@bold:  I think science could create other options.  Think abortion without terminating the cells.  

Now you're just being a dick on purpose. I'm currently wagering the pro's and con's of dignifying that with a response, the con's being actually explaining why a foetus (especially a new one) is a considered a 'small' collection of cells and a fully grown adult male isn't which is obviously apparent to anyone who has the ability to read this sentance. And then I would be dignifying that ridiculous statement but I guess I could've done that already instead of going on and on and on... This is the preferred method. Unless you REALLY want me to explain why a fetus with a couple hundred/thousands cells is considering a 'small' collection. When the adult body is made up of 37 trillion. (not including trillions on your skin) 

I'd come back to explain that, but I really don't think I have to. 


TL;DR, Don't be pretentious and make arguments you know are flawd.

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DonFerrari said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

But.. they don't? No one says "I want to become reliant on heroin" I'm not diminishing any burden? Anyone who becomes addicted is their fault? I never said it wasnt. 

If I drive drunk, I'm not saying "I want to crash my car and kill someone" I'm being a irresponsible idiot that's thinking "of course I can drive" it doesn't mean it wouldn't be my fault if I did infact crash and kill someone.

Law is pretty clear on a person assuming the risk... you drink and drive you assume it, if you use drugs you assume it. So saying "they didn't want" is kinda silly.

It's not wrong. It's not excusing anything I'm saying the person in the retarded train of thought didn't decide they wanted to become addicted to heroin. It no way excuses anything. 

And yes you assume the risk, but you didn't decide you wanted to go out and total your car, killing someone in the process. That's the point.

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naruball said:
I'm 100% pro-choice.

I'm saying this as someone whose mother wanted to abort him and his father didn't let her. They were having financial difficulties and couldn't afford bringing another child to this world. Thankfully things worked out for them in the end.

Out of curiosity, how many of you say I'm 30 years and 9months old? We don't count those 9 (or 8,7,6) months as parts of our life for a reason. The way I see it, up to the day you're born, you're not really a human being, but a part of someone else's body. If the mother wants to get rid of that part of her for whatever reason, she should be given the choice to do so. I'd much rather not be born at all than have a mother that doesn't want me (e.g. the woman who aborted her fetus for being male).

It's also very interesting that the vast majority of people on this forum are male and express this opinion. I think that had they been women, they'd feel differently, especially if they had female friends who explained to them just how much their life changes after they get pregnant and go through with it.

1. What is the biological difference between a baby that is in the womb right before and after labor? What makes them human?

2. Do you believe there are no pro-life women?

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JWeinCom said:
Ljink96 said:
JWeinCom said:
Ljink96 said:
Anti Abortion and here's why:
Firstly, I find that I can't tell someone else what to do with their life. I can't. That's my Pro Abortion side.

But I was in a debate once and I was Anti Abortion, full on because you're not giving someone a chance at life. Yes, that embryo or cell of blood, whatever stage it is an aspiring and growing human being. Somebody gave you a chance, the best that you can do is give them a chance or not have the baby.

"But nobody will take care of him/her as I would"...well damn... that makes no sense. If you want to have him/her killed...does that even infer that you would even take care of him/her? I've heard it all and it all is BS. Of course, that's my opinion.

Oh, and one more thing: the child disability thing. I understand that someone might not want to bring a child into this world with no chance of living. Then again, there are religious folks(which I am) that will say that you don't know what God can do for that child. AKA, a miracle. But unlike strict religious types, I won't continually force that on you. It's your choice. I don't find it to be the right choice but it's yours to make.

I guess, I have mixed feelings about it. Overall, I just feel that definitely, any child that hasn't been predetermined to have an issue, deserves a chance to see and experience this beautiful world of ours. How selfish it would be to do otherwise.

"But what if I was raped"? I don't wanna be reminded of the baby and I want to kill it instead... That to me is a bunch of BS. Have the child, send him/her to be adopted.

So... let's say you were just raped.  Now you have a baby in your stomach.  For nine months you're going to have a little thing kicking around in your stomach for nine months.  You're going to have to go through an incredibly painful process, your body will be irreperably changed (poor vagina), a process which actually can be lethal (particularly depending on where you are, but even in the US abortion is many times safer than live birth).  If you are in school or in work, this process will inevitably disrupt what you are doing in life.  Depending on what your career path is, it may derail it completely.

People who may not be aware that you've been raped may judge you, or may even good naturedly ask who the father is, so once again you can be reminded that you've been raped.  Your lovelife will be put on hold for a year because most people don't want a pregnant chick (although, gotta be honest, I'm sort of into it.  TMI right?)

And after you've gone through this process, you'll have the stigma of having given a child up for adoption, and there is always the chance that this will lead to legal issues with the rapist over custody (yeah this has happened).

I feel like you haven't fully thought about this issue from the perspective of a woman.

I feel that, there are always 2 sides to a story. I understand that women may be damaged by being raped. I was in a debate as I said, remember? But, one side is never more justifiable in this issue. There are no definitions or anything to apply to this issue. I respect your thoughts. I understand the trials and troubles that a woman may face. It isn't fun and it is taxing and somewhat embarassing.(I learned during the debate). I stand by my opinion and may you stand by yours. But never call someone out on their opinions, even if they don't make sense to you, because after all, it's an opinion.

Oh no, we can always call people out on their opinions.  Opinions can and should be challenged, because that's how we learn more and are exposed to different ideas.  If our opinions were never challenged, we'd live in a bubble.

I feel that you made a very oversimplified argument about abortion in rape cases, without fully conisidering the scope of the situation.  I don't feel there is any justification for inflicting physical and mental pain on a woman who has already been violated.

That would be your opinion...the end. What I mean about opinions is, they don't have to be proven so they're never true nor false. There are people who will say pizza sucks and there are people that will say it's the best. If opinions are challenged, a common ground should also be established for the challenge to be fruitful. I don't think we'll reach common ground. Let's agree to disagree.

DonFerrari said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

If you can't handle a plane crash you shouldn't go on holiday.

If you enter a plane you are prone to it, I face all my travels with that in mind...

Now if I go to fishing by foot is unreasonable to expect a plane crash...

So if I'm not doing sex, or am doing oral/anal and a pregnancy happened I'm 100% sure I have nothing to do with it... but If I opened myself willingly to risk then I can't really complain... besides that the risk of a plane crash is infinitely smaller than pregnancy while doing sex, but it's your choice to do any of both.

Where that to be how people should view life, we would not eat cuz it coulb make me fact, poison me, give me diabetes. I would not take medice cuz I could be given the wrong one, overdose. I would not work cuz I could get undercompensated, sexually harrased, injured and not compensated. Talk to a girl cuz I can fall in love and lead to desires and have sex and get pregnate her.

And if I did anything in life I would always live in fear that the worst could happen. Not how it works. You claim to not be religious, but this is exactly the mentality of religous people of completly separating themself of the world cuz things might happen.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

sc94597 said:
naruball said:
I'm 100% pro-choice.

I'm saying this as someone whose mother wanted to abort him and his father didn't let her. They were having financial difficulties and couldn't afford bringing another child to this world. Thankfully things worked out for them in the end.

Out of curiosity, how many of you say I'm 30 years and 9months old? We don't count those 9 (or 8,7,6) months as parts of our life for a reason. The way I see it, up to the day you're born, you're not really a human being, but a part of someone else's body. If the mother wants to get rid of that part of her for whatever reason, she should be given the choice to do so. I'd much rather not be born at all than have a mother that doesn't want me (e.g. the woman who aborted her fetus for being male).

It's also very interesting that the vast majority of people on this forum are male and express this opinion. I think that had they been women, they'd feel differently, especially if they had female friends who explained to them just how much their life changes after they get pregnant and go through with it.

1. What is the biological difference between a baby that is in the womb right before and after labor? What makes them human?

2. Do you believe there are no pro-life women?

(Sorry to but in)

But to answer the first, science considers it life once it can exist independant of the host. So a baby right before birth is considered human. A baby a month before birth is considered human, a baby 3 months from birth is considered human.

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ArchangelMadzz said:
Aeolus451 said:

Mainly, anti-abortion. I'm not against abortion because I'm religious or anything. I just believe that killing innocent defenseless children for the sake of convenience is wrong. 

We don't put the majority of murderers/rapists to death but killing unborn babies is fine because it's the mother's body and it's inconvient to her. Sure.....

Unprotected sex between a fertile male and female = babies. Pregnancy is not a condition/illness that should be treated like a flu. If you don't want children or to have a child at that time, use birth control, get your tube tied or don't have sex. 

I believe it's okay to abort a child only when it seriously endangers the woman's life and if the preganancy is the result of rape. A woman's convenience is not greater than a child's life and the father's opinion on this.

If people were more responsible about sex and had some foresight, there would no need for general abortions. 



Because that's how it always works.

Do you take the "Shit happens, deal with it" approach everywhere you go?


No but in this case, yes, opposed to just killing babies.

eva01beserk said:
DonFerrari said:

If you enter a plane you are prone to it, I face all my travels with that in mind...

Now if I go to fishing by foot is unreasonable to expect a plane crash...

So if I'm not doing sex, or am doing oral/anal and a pregnancy happened I'm 100% sure I have nothing to do with it... but If I opened myself willingly to risk then I can't really complain... besides that the risk of a plane crash is infinitely smaller than pregnancy while doing sex, but it's your choice to do any of both.

Where that to be how people should view life, we would not eat cuz it coulb make me fact, poison me, give me diabetes. I would not take medice cuz I could be given the wrong one, overdose. I would not work cuz I could get undercompensated, sexually harrased, injured and not compensated. Talk to a girl cuz I can fall in love and lead to desires and have sex and get pregnate her.

And if I did anything in life I would always live in fear that the worst could happen. Not how it works. You claim to not be religious, but this is exactly the mentality of religous people of completly separating themself of the world cuz things might happen.

You're missing the point, if any of those things were to happen you have to deal with it and move on. You should've expected it.

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