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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo @ E3 '15: Our Muppet Bodies Weren't Ready


Is Your Body Ready?

Yes. 40 24.39%
No. 14 8.54%
Not my problem. 12 7.32%
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. 16 9.76%
Hey Bill, you're Fired. 23 14.02%
What's wrong with you? 8 4.88%
I'm about kickin' ass. 6 3.66%
I'm about takin' names. 3 1.83%
My body is Reggie. 42 25.61%
Einsam_Delphin said:
DanneSandin said:
S.Peelman said:
Anyway I totally forgot about the Sony and MS conferences (wasn't going to watch the others anyway) yesterday because I was watching the awesome NWC... Won't miss Nintendo's Digital Event though .

I think you missed out. I watched MS, EA and Ubi live and caught up with Sony when I woke up this morning. E3 have been really good so far

Agreed! Definitely have to get a PS4 sooner rather than later!

Only game thus far I've seen on PS4 that I really want is Horizon. So far MS have the better games imo; ReCore and Sea of Thieves looks pretty promising and TombRaider seems to be a safe bet as well. But I think I'll be doing just fine with a Wii U and PC ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network
DanneSandin said:

Only game thus far I've seen on PS4 that I really want is Horizon. So far MS have the better games imo; ReCore and Sea of Thieves looks pretty promising and TombRaider seems to be a safe bet as well. But I think I'll be doing just fine with a Wii U and PC ^^

Wait Tomb Raider is Xbox exclusive?

DanneSandin said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
DanneSandin said:

I think you missed out. I watched MS, EA and Ubi live and caught up with Sony when I woke up this morning. E3 have been really good so far

Agreed! Definitely have to get a PS4 sooner rather than later!

Only game thus far I've seen on PS4 that I really want is Horizon. So far MS have the better games imo; ReCore and Sea of Thieves looks pretty promising and TombRaider seems to be a safe bet as well. But I think I'll be doing just fine with a Wii U and PC ^^

Yeah seems like some of them had some cool stuff. Might still watch the Sony one, but all the good things have now all been spoiled of-course .

It's just that the NWC made me completely forget there were other things to watch!


AC:Wii U being announced would be great... though hopefully not the main reveal like in 2008 XD. 


Einsam_Delphin said:
DanneSandin said:

Only game thus far I've seen on PS4 that I really want is Horizon. So far MS have the better games imo; ReCore and Sea of Thieves looks pretty promising and TombRaider seems to be a safe bet as well. But I think I'll be doing just fine with a Wii U and PC ^^

Wait Tomb Raider is Xbox exclusive?

TIMED exclusive - I don't think we know for how long yet

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:
DanneSandin said:

Only game thus far I've seen on PS4 that I really want is Horizon. So far MS have the better games imo; ReCore and Sea of Thieves looks pretty promising and TombRaider seems to be a safe bet as well. But I think I'll be doing just fine with a Wii U and PC ^^

Yeah seems like they had some cool stuff. Might still watch the Sony one, but all the good things have now all been spoiled of-course .

It's just that the NWC made me completely forget there were other things to watch!

Watch both of them =) Ubi as well, they had a cool new IP called For Honor and a new South Park game! I think Sony seemed to have the better conference because they either had a lot of exclusive CONTENT or timed exclusives to show off. Quite a lot of what they had really wasn't PS exclusive

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

3 hours left..  The wait is seriously killing me!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I want to die.

DanneSandin said:
S.Peelman said:
Anyway I totally forgot about the Sony and MS conferences (wasn't going to watch the others anyway) yesterday because I was watching the awesome NWC... Won't miss Nintendo's Digital Event though .

I think you missed out. I watched MS, EA and Ubi live and caught up with Sony when I woke up this morning. E3 have been really good so far

^Same Here, and I have to say that Sony is in a pretty good position right now...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)